
Call for end to CPS inaction

Last week families and campaigners demanded an end to Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) inaction over deaths in custody cases. The demonstration was called by the United Families and Friends Campaign and Stop G4S because of procrastination about whether to charge those involved in the deaths of Azelle Rodney and Jimmy Mubenga. Damning unlawful killing verdicts were

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Vigil for Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah

On Friday 20 December campaigners will hold a vigil in High Wycombe to mark the birthday of Habib Ullah who died in police custody in July 2008. Habib Ullah’s wife, mother, children and siblings will be joined at High Wycombe police station by families of others killed in police custody including that of Leon Briggs,

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Gypsies in Thurrock face eviction and suffer abuse and harassment

Gypsies living in Thurrock, Essex are fighting against eviction and harassment by local residents. The Gypsies, members of the West, Birch and Newland families, have been living on a site in Grays, Essex, for the past eight months. They say that their lives have been made increasingly difficult by harassment from local residents, compounded by

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G4S occupation activists acquitted

At the end of August, at Horsham Magistrates’ court, two campaigners were acquitted of aggravated trespass – an eight-hour occupation of the roof of the G4S Surrey HQ in July 2012. Chris Osmond and Shiar Youssef, from No Borders and the Boycott Israel Network, occupied the roof of the G4S HQ in leafy Surrey to

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Long Walk: Family Campaigns for Justice in the UK

On Friday evening, family campaigns will gather in London to mark the seventh anniversary of Talha Ahsan’s detention without trial. The event curated by Hamja Ahsan, brother of Talha will be held at London’s Rich Mix in Bethnal Green (19 July 2013, from 6.30pm). The event entitled, ‘Long Walk: Family Campaigns for Justice in the

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Remembering ‘Paps’ five years on

Next week, the family and friends of Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah who died after being arrested by Thames Valley Police will hold a vigil to mark the five years since his death. Habib died on 3 July 2008 after a stop and search on a car in which Habib was a passenger. Five police officers were

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Jimmy Mubenga: a day in the life of an inquest

IRR News provides a snapshot report from the second day of the inquest in to the death of Jimmy Mubenga[1] which is due to last eight weeks. The day of the inquest started with legal issues and the choosing of the jury. This took some time as potential jurors were read a long list of

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Justice will help Jimmy rest in peace

Below we reproduce the statement given by the wife of Jimmy Mubenga to the inquest into his death. ‘My name is Adrienne Kambana. I am the widow of Jimmy Mubenga and the mother of our five children. [Rolan (19), Kevin (15), Akram (13), Jordan (11) and Blessing (3)]. Jimmy Mubenga was a good father. He

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Racist attack victim prosecuted

Last month, charges against Zulf Shah for actual bodily harm were thrown out of court for lack of evidence. Zulf was charged following a racist attack by a man and a woman, in which he was punched and kicked unconscious, and then repeatedly kicked as he lay on the ground. Before the assault, the man

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