Briefing Papers - Europe
Showing 1–12 of 37 results
Deadly Crossings and the militarisation of Britain’s borders
£0.00 A transnational collaboration between the IRR, the Permanent People’s Tribunal London steering group & French group Gisti, detailing the nearly 300 known border-related deaths in and around the English Channel since 1999. -
It’s About Survival Now
£0.00 A joint submission of evidence from the PPT London steering group and the IRR to the Permanent People's Tribunal Berlin hearing, held on October 23-25 2020 -
When witnesses won’t be silenced: citizens’ solidarity and criminalisation
£0.00 When witnesses won't be silenced: citizens’ solidarity and criminalisation is a free downloadable briefing paper that looks at the dramatic increase in prosecutions from European states on humanitarian activists for their acts of solidarity with and assistance of displaced people. -
Humanitarianism: the unacceptable face of solidarity
£3.50 Humanitarianism: the unacceptable face of solidarity is the product of a six-month research project into the hostile political and legal environment facing humanitarian actors who seek to protect life at Europe’s sea and land borders. Download a free digital copy -
Briefing Paper no. 10
£0.00 The briefing paper, Unwanted, Unnoticed: an audit of 160 asylum and immigration-related deaths in Europe, by Reem Abu-Hayyeh and Frances Webber, documents the asylum and immigration-related deaths of migrants in Europe over the past five years. -
Briefing Paper no. 9
Sweden's counter-extremism model and the stigmatising of anti-racism critiques the Swedish model of countering the far Right and asks why Sweden's ministry of justice is increasingly at loggerheads with a younger generation's anti-racist values. Download a free copy -
Briefing Paper no. 8
Exit from White Supremacism: the accountability gap within Europe’s de-radicalisation programmes highlights issues with European Exit programmes. Download a free copy -
Briefing Paper no. 7
From pillar to post: pan-European racism and the Roma documents a growing tide of hostility against Europe’s Romani communities. Download a free copy -
Briefing Paper no. 6
State intelligence agencies and the far Right: A review of developments in Germany, Hungary and Austria examines the security services’ approach to the far Right and finds that far from clamping down on growing fascism, some of the tactics of security services are enhancing conditions for its growth. Download a free copy -
Pedlars of Hate: the violent impact of the European far Right
£7.50 Brings together over 100 cases, mostly from EU countries, but also Switzerland and Norway, which documents patterns of violence, from the peddling of hate online and the drawing up of lists of ‘national traitors’, to violence, arson and murder on the streets, and the stockpiling of weapons in preparation for ‘race war’. Download a free copy -
Briefing Paper no. 5
Breivik, the conspiracy theory and the Oslo massacre provides the background and context of the extreme and aberrant actions of Anders Behring Breivik, perpetrator of a gruesome massacre on 22 July which claimed the lives of seventy-seven people, in two attacks, the first on government buildings in central Oslo, the second on the tiny island of Utøya, thirty-eight kilometres from Oslo. Download a free copy -
Islamophobia and progressive values
Islamophobia and progressive values draws attention to the specific role that a discourse on progressive values is playing in shaping Islamophobia. Download a free copy