Deadly Crossings and the militarisation of Britain’s borders


A transnational collaboration between the IRR, the Permanent People’s Tribunal London steering group & French group Gisti, detailing the nearly 300 known border-related deaths in and around the English Channel since 1999.

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A transnational collaboration between the IRR, the Permanent People’s Tribunal London steering group & French group Gisti. Deadly Crossings is the first English-language analysis of Channel-related deaths. Published within weeks of the UK exit from the European Union, the report argues that far from the UK getting a handle on border control post-Brexit, further securitisation of its borders will only result in more human suffering.

Translated from a publication originally written in French by Maël Galisson of Gisti, a legal service for asylum seekers in France, the report features a timeline which shows the deaths chronologically; and an interactive map, showing them geographically.

Deadly Crossings and the Militarisation of Britain’s Borders reveals the human tragedies caused by inhumane border enforcement at a time when the UK Home Office is seeking to make Channel crossings ‘unviable’.