Asylum seekers and refugees

Showing all 5 results

  • Deadly Crossings and the militarisation of Britain’s borders

    A transnational collaboration between the IRR, the Permanent People’s Tribunal London steering group & French group Gisti, detailing the nearly 300 known border-related deaths in and around the English Channel since 1999.
  • It’s About Survival Now

    A joint submission of evidence from the PPT London steering group and the IRR to the Permanent People's Tribunal Berlin hearing, held on October 23-25 2020
  • Race & Class July 2020

    Covid 19 has, asserts the July issue of Race & Class, thrown into relief so many key issues: the essential frailty of advanced capitalism, the potential for the state to control the life and death of citizens, the nature of human solidarity and the way in which we desecrate the planet. Now is the time for taking stock.
  • Race & Class, April 2020

    The lead article in the April 2020 issue looks at the ‘transnational moral panic’ around the Salvadoran street gang MS-13, which displaces the contradictions of global capitalism to a local and deported relative surplus population.
  • Race & Class, January 2020

    How can a genuinely anti-racist feminist approach tackle serious sexual violence without demonising entire communities, asks the lead article in the January 2020 issue of Race & Class.