News Service


Anti-fascism – extreme necessity

An interview with a spokesperson from Antirassisistischer und Antifaschister Ratschlag. European government counter-extremism policies which classify fascism as just another form of contemporary extremism (which also includes Left extremism and in some cases anti-fascism) are being resisted by victim support groups in Germany. In 2012, at a time when the federal government was attempting to

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IRR News 17-23 May 2013

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, we have a piece by Marc Lorenzi from the Communities Empowerment Network, which helps excluded children. We also have report from the inquest into the death of Jimmy Mubenga, which commenced last week, and we also have the statement made to the inquest by Jimmy’s wife, Adrienne. In news

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Jimmy Mubenga: a day in the life of an inquest

IRR News provides a snapshot report from the second day of the inquest in to the death of Jimmy Mubenga[1] which is due to last eight weeks. The day of the inquest started with legal issues and the choosing of the jury. This took some time as potential jurors were read a long list of

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Justice will help Jimmy rest in peace

Below we reproduce the statement given by the wife of Jimmy Mubenga to the inquest into his death. ‘My name is Adrienne Kambana. I am the widow of Jimmy Mubenga and the mother of our five children. [Rolan (19), Kevin (15), Akram (13), Jordan (11) and Blessing (3)]. Jimmy Mubenga was a good father. He

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Fighting school exclusions

Marc Lorenzi explains the work of the Communities Empowerment Network, which helps excluded pupils. Education is in the spotlight. It’s future, in the hands of Education Secretary Gove, is under review. Though the press has widely reported Gove’s assault on the national curriculum, less space has been given to the effects of austerity measures in

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IRR News 10-16 May 2013

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week we carry a feature looking at the death of asylum seekers in EU countries. Failings in EU asylum processes are leaving asylum seekers from the Russian Federation vulnerable to the repressive reach of the Russian state. In news from the UK, the police have raided the home of a

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The fear that stalks asylum seekers from the Russian Federation

EU countries are accused of leaving asylum seekers from the Russian Federation vulnerable to the repressive reach of the Russian state. In the early hours of 17 January 2013, 36-year-old Aleksandr Dolmatov, a Russian engineer, was found dead at a Rotterdam deportation centre. Dolmatov, an activist linked to the opposition Other Russia movement, fled Russia

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IRR News 3 May-9 May 2013

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, we report on an inquest which is due to start next week into the death of Jimmy Mubenga who died after being restrained by three G4S guards in October 2010. We also have a report from Sweden on the dangers posed by a police operation to pursue, detain and deport undocumented

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We need to end racism now – period

A member of the Swedish anti-racist magazine MANA reflects on the challenges posed by Operation REVA. Asylum and migrants’ rights activists had been warning about the dangers posed by Operation REVA, the police operation to pursue, detain and deport undocumented migrants, ever since a pilot study was commissioned by the Swedish government in 2010. But

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