News Service


Restoring Peter Blackman

A new book of Peter Blackman’s poetry gives this forgotten black British campaigner his due. I met Peter Blackman over forty years ago, when he was my age now. It was by accident, at Willesden Junction railway yard where we both worked. I remember I offered to sell him a socialist newspaper, interrupting him getting

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IRR News 28 June-4 July 2013

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, concerns have been raised over school accountability in helping the attainment of disadvantaged pupils, who are disproportionately from BME communities. We also report on a protest against police treatment of racial violence in Brent, and a 59-year-old Indian Sikh man is in a serious condition in hospital after sustaining

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Indian man suffers head injury after police called

A 59-year-old Indian Sikh man is in a serious condition in hospital after sustaining a head injury. The man suffered the serious injury following a ‘domestic incident’ on 26 June 2013 in Hockley, when two police officers arrived following an emergency call and were later joined by two other officers. The man ‘was restrained, he

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Equalities and accountability – the pupil premium

This article has been republished from LeftCentral. The pupil premium grant (PPG) is a flagship government scheme for schools. Next week it will be praised and celebrated at the 2013 pupil premium awards ceremony organised in partnership with the Department for Education (DfE). An independent panel of experts has judged which schools have best used

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Press Release

Black History – Black Politics

The July 2013 issue of Race & Class examines Black Power, Garveyism, the co-option of black music and the work of radical poet Peter Blackman. In the July 2013 issue of Race & Class – ‘Black History – Black Politics’ – Jonathan Fenderson argues that the idea of Black Power is being gentrified by US

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IRR News 21-27 June 2013

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, we have reports on new Medical Justice research on the mistreatment of pregnant asylum seekers and a forthcoming vigil to mark the fifth anniversary of the death in police custody of Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah. And you can now listen, in full, to the first ever Race & Class radio

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Remembering ‘Paps’ five years on

Next week, the family and friends of Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah who died after being arrested by Thames Valley Police will hold a vigil to mark the five years since his death. Habib died on 3 July 2008 after a stop and search on a car in which Habib was a passenger. Five police officers were

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Race & Class radio

The first broadcast of Race & Class Radio is now available to download. On 22 May 2013, Race & Class Radio premiered on No Alibis, a public affairs radio programme produced by Elizabeth Robinson and Avery Gordon that airs weekly on KCSB 91.9 FM Santa Barbara California and webcast at Race & Class Radio

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Pregnant asylum seekers mistreated in detention

Medical Justice’s most recent report argues that the government must stop holding pregnant women in immigration detention. Given that asylum seekers are reduced to mere statistics as a matter of routine – to meet arbitrary removal targets, for example – it is ironic that when carrying another life, asylum seekers are not deemed worthy of

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