IRR News 28 June-4 July 2013

IRR News 28 June-4 July 2013

Written by: admin

Dear IRR News subscriber,

This week, concerns have been raised over school accountability in helping the attainment of disadvantaged pupils, who are disproportionately from BME communities. We also report on a protest against police treatment of racial violence in Brent, and a 59-year-old Indian Sikh man is in a serious condition in hospital after sustaining a head injury while being arrested. And the new edition of Race & Class, a special issue on ‘Black History – Black Politics’, is available online

In other news, allegations have emerged that former chief constable Norman Bettison attempted to intervene in the public inquiry into the murder of Stephen Lawrence. Police have opened an investigation into the abuse of a ‘mixed race’ 7-year-old girl by seventeen National Front activists while accompanying her mother to book a wedding reception. And a report based on figures published by the government-funded Tell Mama project for monitoring anti-Muslim attacks has shown that half of Britain’s mosques have been attacked since 9/11.

IRR News Team

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