News Service

IRR News 18 April – 24 April 2014

Dear IRR News subscriber, In the same week that UKIP has been condemned for its poster campaign decrying ‘foreign labour’ and calling on voters to ‘take back control of our country’, John Grayson examines the way the party’s messages have been legitimised and in some cases promoted by the media. Also, Liz Fekete reviews a

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UKIP: legitimised by the media?

John Grayson examines the way UKIP’s messages have been legitimised and in some cases promoted by the media. The self-proclaimed leader of ‘the people’s army’ can relish his victory. Nigel Farage – whose party was once dismissed as a home for fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists – has established himself as a big beast in

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Establishing a framework for understanding the rise of fascism

A review of a report on the extent of Golden Dawn’s penetration of the Greek state. An excellent free downloadable report published by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is not only an essential primer for understanding the parliamentary rise of the neo-nazi criminal organisation Golden Dawn (GD), but a much-needed corrective to academic fashions that see

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IRR News 11 April – 17 April 2014

Dear IRR News subscriber, In a week which marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster, we publish a personal reflection by Harmit Athwal. The IRR’s News Editor explains why the events at Hillsborough resonate with her family in a piece that brings to mind the experiences of so many other BME families who have lost faith in

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Framing the death of Mark Duggan

As the family of Mark Duggan launch a judicial review of the inquest verdict, IRR News examines the wider context of the death. On 4 August 2011, Mark Duggan got out of a taxi on Ferry Lane in Tottenham and was shot dead by armed police: within hours, stories about a dramatic ‘shootout’, a ‘violent

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Joint enterprise: The long and winding road to reform

A review of a new report from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Injustice is simple, but legal reform is complex – that is the message, if you read between the lines, of this new report from the Bureau for Investigative Journalism which focuses on homicide convictions arising out of the legal doctrine of joint enterprise.

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‘Never ever, never ever give up’

A reflection on deaths that took place on 15 April 1989 and the state’s response. As a teenager I watched the Hillsborough tragedy unfold on the telly. It was a Saturday afternoon and my sisters and I were doing our chores or homework. I remember one of my sisters calling us and we crowded around

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IRR News 4 April – 10 April 2014

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, the April issue of Race & Class is out, which assesses popular debate around the far Right in Europe. We also provide overviews of racist violence, convictions and far-right terror attacks in Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK over the first three months of 2014. And Phil

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Spotlight on racial violence: January – March 2014

An overview of acts of domestic terror against Muslims and racist attacks in the first three months of 2014. The ‘global war on terror’ has for some time now been over, according to leading politicians and some political commentators. Given that many of its hallmarks are still in operation, such a claim could easily be

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