IRR News 16 May – 22 May 2014

IRR News 16 May – 22 May 2014

Written by: admin

Dear IRR News subscriber,

Since 2010, the prisoners’ support group JENGbA has been campaigning to reform the legal doctrine of joint enterprise: a doctrine which, according to JENGbA, disproportionately impacts upon BME families. This week, we highlight a second call for evidence by the House of Commons Justice Committee on the use and impact of joint enterprise.

In news from across the UK, four members of Britain First ‘invaded’ the East London Mosque in Whitechapel earlier this week, handing out Christian pamphlets and Bibles. It has been revealed that the Home Office is making ‘secret’ payments to embassies to provide travel documents for migrants they want to remove from the UK. And Serco is to be investigated by MPs after it was forced to publish an internal report into claims of repeated sexual assaults at Yarl’s Wood detention centre.

Jon Burnett

Assistant Editor, IRR News

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