Rights Watch UK report launch

The launch of Preventing education: the impact on children of the UK’s counter-extremism strategy, Prevent. Wednesday 13 July 2016, 6.30pm Committee Room 2A, Houses of Parliament, London SW1A OAA Speakers: Baroness Kennedy – Chair Yasmine Ahmed – Rights Watch UK Kevin Courtney – National Union of Teachers Rob Faure-Walker – Teacher Rahmaan Mohammadi – sixth

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Reuniting separated families

Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) has launched a CrowdJustice campaign aimed at securing funding for their Separated Families project. Each year, BID helps reunite around 100 families who have been separated by immigration detention. Every year, the government detains over 30,000 people for immigration purposes, routinely separating mothers and fathers from their children. According to

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Brexit, Racism and Xenophobia

A meeting to discuss Brexit and its impact on Black, Asian and minority communities organised by the Monitoring Group. Saturday 9 July 2016, 1.30-4.30pm Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL Speakers include: Akala Suresh Grover – The Monitoring Group Professor Gus John – Gus John Associates Peter Herbert – Society of Black Lawyers Liz Fekete –

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Calendar of racism and resistance (10 – 23 June 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and immigration 5 June: Doctors in Switzerland criticise the government’s physical examinations of young unaccompanied asylum seekers to determine their age. The tests involve, in addition to checks for bone and tooth age, young boys and girls

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Storytelling workshop

Migrant Voice and Tangled Routes are co-hosting a storytelling workshop. Tuesday 12 July 2016, 6-9pm Migrant Voice, Collaboration House, 77-79 Charlotte Street, London W1T 4PW Migrants, asylum-seekers, and refugees will have the opportunity to share stories about their past (I have), present (I am), and future (I will) and incorporate the storytelling medium that best

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The Hard Stop

The story of Mark Duggan, who was shot and killed in Tottenham in 2011, is brought to the screen through the accounts of his two best friends, followed by a Q&A. Monday 11 July 2016, 5.50pm NFT1, British Film Institute, Belvedere Rd, London SE1 8XT Q&A with:  George Amponsah – director Dionne Walker – co-writer/producer

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Summer party

A Room to Heal presents an evening of food, music and performance. Friday 1 July 2016, from 6pm Room to Heal, Mildmay Community Centre, Woodville Road, London N16 8NA Related links Room to Heal View a flyer here

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Cedric Robinson 1940 – 2016

It is with immense sadness that we record the death of the IRR’s great friend and stalwart supporter Cedric Robinson in Santa Barbara California on 4 June. Cedric had been connected to Race & Class for almost forty years, writing first in early 1978 (on Richard Wright), joining its Editorial Working Committee in 1980, becoming

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Calendar of racism and resistance (27 May – 9 June 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 17 May: The Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration launches a survey to gauge views on the work of the Inspectorate, which is open until Monday 27 June 2016. Take part in the survey here.

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