
Police racism – enshrined in practice

Police indifference to BME community concerns perpetuates racial violence, according to ongoing research by the Institute of Race Relations. The police have been forced to acknowledge the racism embedded within their own ranks recently, primarily as a result of the quick-witted teenager Mauro Demetrio, who surreptitiously recorded a PC telling him that ‘the problem with

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Border Force Britain

The government’s rebranding of the UK Border Agency (UKBA)’s operational arm from immigration service to Border Force encapsulates the approach which treats migrants as criminals. Suddenly, there were all these references to ‘border force’ officials on the news. Border Force. The name brands the organisation as somehow more powerful, hard-hitting, but also and contradictorily tells

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Margins to Mainstream screening tour

Margins to Mainstream: the story of Black Theatre in Britain will be screened at venues throughout London and Birmingham. Monday 28 May 2012, 7pm at BASE, 10 Cubitt Buildings, Gatliff Road, London SW1W 8 QL Wednesday 30 May 2012, 6.30pm at the Supper Club, 160 Hampstead Road, Handsworth, Birmingham B20 2QR Wednesday 6 June 2012, 7pm with Black

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When will we be landlords?

Margins to Mainstream: the story of Black Theatre in Britain is a new film produced by young people covering the history of Black theatre in Britain. Throughout this 60-minute documentary, the importance of recording the lineage of black theatre is attested to, and it is a lineage that follows a parallel path to that of

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John Carlos tour

A speaking tour with John Carlos and Dave Zirin, co-authors of The John Carlos Story. Liverpool Friday 25 May 2012, 6.30pm FACT, 88 Wood Street, Liverpool, Merseyside L1 4DQ Edinburgh Sunday 27 May 2012, 6.30pm Bongo Club, 37 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8BA Stratford East Tuesday 29 May 2012, 6.30pm Stratford Picture House, Salway Road,

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Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month

A series of events taking place during Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month, June 2012. The listing below is only a selection of events taking place, see here for a fuller listing. Traveller History Month launch Friday 1 June 2012, 1-4pm Trinity Square, Sutton High Street, Sutton Exhibition and storytelling session Monday 11 June 2012, 10.30-11am

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John Carlos visits the IRR

Earlier this week, the legendary John Carlos, visited the IRR. In a meeting arranged by the RMT union, John Carlos, Dave Zirin (co-author of The John Carlos Story) and Mark Kurupt Stoddart (marketing) met with the IRR’s staff, management and volunteers. Later that same day John Carlos spoke at a packed public meeting at Friends

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UKBA contempt for torture survivors

The government routinely breaches its own policies by detaining torture survivors, according to a report published this week by Medical Justice. Eleven years ago, a set of rules governing the detention of people for immigration purposes was published. Among them was the innocuous-sounding Rule 35, stating (among other things) that torture survivors should never be

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Black Power for a new generation?

On Monday 21 May, John Carlos, the 1960s icon of Black Power, will be speaking at a meeting in London (alongside Janet Alder and Doreen Lawrence). It is fitting that John Carlos is speaking in London just months before the Olympics circus hits town. For this is the John Carlos who, alongside Tommie Smith, raised

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