
Business as usual

A legal observer examining the policing of a February English Defence League (EDL) demo in Leicester, describes how its members were protected by the police whilst counter-protesters were ‘kettled’ and harassed.   You had to wonder at and yet be extremely concerned about mass kettling and the suspension of rights to free assembly and movement

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Father’s Day vigils to remember loved ones

On Sunday 17 June, as families celebrate Father’s Day, vigils will be held at police stations across the UK to remember loved ones who have died in custody. Families and friends will gather for peaceful vigils in Birmingham, High Wycombe, London, Manchester and Slough. The national day of action, which is being supported by the

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National Father’s day vigils

Vigils on Father’s Day to remember those who have died in custody. All vigils will take place on Sunday 17 June 2012, 12-3pm Birmingham – Remembering Mikey Powell, Demetre Fraser, Lloyd, Alton Manning and Kinglsey Burrell: West Midlands Police HQ, Lloyd House, Colmore Circus, Queensway Birmingham B4 6NQ High Wycombe – Justice for Habib ‘Paps’

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Theresa May and punitive populism

The home secretary’s latest immigration proposals will restrict migrants’ family life in the UK, make it contingent on income, language and integration tests and on continuing good behaviour. On 10 June, the coalition’s latest attempt to redeem its rash election promise to reduce net migration to below 100,000 was unveiled on TV’s Andrew Marr show.

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Is history repeating itself for Tamil asylum seekers?

The wholesale deportation of Sri Lankan Tamils in defiance of human rights concerns, and the feting of a leader accused of war crimes, demonstrate that asylum policy has as little to do with humanitarian considerations as it did a generation ago. For the British government, entertaining Sri Lanka’s president Rajapaksa at the diamond jubilee celebrations

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COINTELPRO101 film screening

A screening tour of COINTELPRO101, a documentary about the FBI’s attacks on the Black Panther movement, with discussions on how BME communities in the UK now face similar tactics. Tuesday 19 June 2012, 6.30pm British Film Institute, Blue Room, Belvedere Road, South Bank, London SE1 8XT Chaired by Cageprisoners and Colin Prescod Thursday 21 June

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Press Release

The truth about far-right violence

A shocking new report documents patterns of far-right violence across Europe. As concerns mount about the violence of elected far-right politicians in Greece, and Sol Campbell warns black and Asian football fans against travelling to Poland and the Ukraine for Euro 2012, the Institute of Race Relations reveals that the problem of far-right violence is

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Baisikel calls for volunteers and bikes

A new project opens up opportunities for asylum seekers in London to get about. A couple living in London concerned about the worsening conditions that asylum seekers find themselves, increasingly now dispersed outside the M25 but required to travel into central London for appointments, decided that there was a practical way that they could help.

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A Revolutionary Life: Ruth First 1925-1982

A conference celebrating the life of Ruth First, a revolutionary scholar, anti-apartheid activist and investigative journalist. Thursday 7 June 2012, 9.30- 7pm The Macmillan Hall, Ground floor, Senate House (South Block), Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU Speakers include: Victoria Brittain Barbara Harlow Justice Albie Sachs Gillian Slovo Bridget O’Laughlin Shula Marks Alan Wieder Related links Download

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Boats 4 People

An imaginative project highlights migrant deaths at sea and seeks to restore traditions of humanity and rescue endangered by migration control. The callous and deliberate failure by the Italian and Spanish governments and NATO to rescue seventy-two migrants in their drifting dinghy in a Mediterranean ‘search and rescue area’, leading to the deaths of sixty-three

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