
Sweden, ‘riots’ and far-right Facebook vigilantism

Swedish neo-Nazi vigilantes formed a ‘National Guard’ to stop ‘race riots’. In the UK ‘riots’ of August 2011, the EDL formed a vigilante group in south London and ended up attacking black passers-by and the police. In Sweden, the Research Group (an independent group of engaged Swedish citizens who investigate stories that don’t get properly

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G8: week of action

A week of action and events across the UK. Saturday 8 June – Saturday 15 June 2013 Locations across London Related links StopG8 Network StopG8 Network on Facebook StopG8 Network on Twitter Calendar of events

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Against repression

The StopG8 week of actions and events ends with a solidarity benefit night of militant music. In support of the 10×100 Years of Jail Campaign in Italy (Marina & Alberto were jailed last year for the anti-G8 protests in Genoa 2001) and the United Families & Friends Campaign (families & friends fighting for justice for

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Killer blows to justice

In the blizzard of coalition measures wreaking destruction on living standards, the justice ministry’s proposals on legal aid will once again bear down hardest on poor BME, Muslim and migrant communities. From the introduction of a residence test for civil legal aid, to the withdrawal of public funding for challenges to mistreatment in prison and

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‘Fighting the racist police state’ discussion evening

An evening of talks, film and discussion with individuals and groups active against police killings and repression, immigration raids, and the detention system. Sunday 9 June 2013, 7-10:30pm Stopg8 convergence centre (location will announced on 8 June) Groups taking part include: United Friends and Families Campaign (UFFC) (friends and families of people killed in police

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Travelling while Muslim

Representatives from Cageprisoners, Engage, CAMPACC and Stopwatch will share their stories of being stopped under the draconian Schedule 7 powers. Wednesday 5 June 2013, 7-9pm St Bride Foundation, Fleet Street, London EC4Y Schedule 7 is a stop-and-search law under the Terrorism Act of 2000. Over 70,000 people are stopped every year entering or exiting any

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Upsurge in anti-Muslim attacks

An overview of the anti-Muslim violence and abuse that has taken place in the last seven days. It only took a matter of hours. Soon after British soldier Lee Rigby was brutally murdered, a man walked into a mosque in Gillingham, smashing up the interior. Around the same time, someone was arrested outside an Islamic

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Protest at G4S AGM

A protest organised by Stop G4S outside the annual general meeting of G4S. Thursday 6 June 2013, 1pm Salters’ Hall, 4 Fore Street, London EC2Y 5DE Related links Stop G4S Stop G4S on Twitter Stop G4S on Facebook Facebook event listing Download a flyer here

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Anti-fascism – extreme necessity

An interview with a spokesperson from Antirassisistischer und Antifaschister Ratschlag. European government counter-extremism policies which classify fascism as just another form of contemporary extremism (which also includes Left extremism and in some cases anti-fascism) are being resisted by victim support groups in Germany. In 2012, at a time when the federal government was attempting to

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Save Justice demo

A protest against the Ministry of Justice proposals for legal aid cuts. Tuesday 4 June 2013, 4.30-7.30 Ministry of Justice, 102 Petty France, London SW1H 9AJ Speakers include: Dinah Rose QC Stephen Knafler QC Liberty Nick Armstrong (Matrix) Children’s Society Deepti Patel (Kids Co) Martha Spurrier (Public Law Project) Sue Willman (Deighton Pierce Glynn) Dr

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