Travelling while Muslim

Travelling while Muslim

Representatives from Cageprisoners, Engage, CAMPACC and Stopwatch will share their stories of being stopped under the draconian Schedule 7 powers.

  • Wednesday 5 June 2013, 7-9pm
  • St Bride Foundation, Fleet Street, London EC4Y

Schedule 7 is a stop-and-search law under the Terrorism Act of 2000. Over 70,000 people are stopped every year entering or exiting any British port without doing anything wrong. For many Asians, who are grossly overrepresented in the number of stops, this is the reality of travelling while Muslim. Schedule 7 Stories, the new project from Cageprisoners aims to educate the Muslim community about this law and empower them to challenge its discriminatory nature.

Related links

Schedule 7 Stories

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