
Kate Hopkins is not a suitable speaker for schools

The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) recommendation that Katie Hopkins be allowed to speak in schools, as long as alternative views are presented, is dangerous and potentially misleading, says Bill Bolloten. Last month the journalist Katie Hopkins announced a series of school talks for 14 to 16-year-olds, which she has branded the ‘Stand Strong

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Why are so many Iranians forced to become refugees?

A public meeting on why are so many Iranians are being forced to become refugees. Thursday 2 November 2017, 6-8pm Lecture Theatre 5, Arts Tower, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN Speakers include: Yassmanie Mather – Critique Journal Raha Bareini – Amnesty International With songs from Arash Sabet – Singer/songwriter Related links Download a flyer

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Citizenship and Belonging in Unsettling Times

The launch of a report detailing the experiences of migrants coming to live in London and Leicester.  Thursday 16 November 2017, 6.30pm Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA Speakers include: Dr Melanie Cooke – Senior Teaching Fellow in ESOL and Applied Linguistics, King’s College Rockhaya Sylla – Freedom from Torture Dr Leah Bassel – Principal Investigator

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Deport, Deprive, Extradite conference

A conference on racism, borders and the security state in the context of the War on Terror. Saturday 18 November 2017, 10am-7pm P21 Gallery, 21-27 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD Speakers include: Amanda Weston Gareth Peirce Frances Webber – Institute of Race Relations Arnaud Mafille – CAGE Fizza Qureshi – Migrant Rights Network Related links Register here Download a flyer here (pdf

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Islamophobia, lectures and discussion

Events in Leeds and London to mark the 20th anniversary of the Runnymede Trust report on Islamophobia, published in 1997. Leeds: Thursday 9 November 2017, 6.30-9pm Carriage works Theatre, 3 Millennium Square, Leeds LS2 3AD Speakers include: Professor S. Sayyid (professor of social theory and decolonial thought at the University of Leeds); Baroness Saeeda Warsi (author of The Enemy Within:

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European Union, Brexit – the future of workers’ rights

A conference to discuss whether the EU can be a framework to safeguard and to improve workers’ rights or if it is an obstacle. Saturday 11 November 2017, 9.30-6pm Diskus Centre at Unite, 128 Theobald’s Road, Holborn, London WC1X 8T Subject include: The Future of Trade Union Rights, social rights How to create more security for

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Press Release

Resisting racialisation

How, asks the October 2017 issue of Race & Class, are societies attempting to corral non-white surplus populations, especially when they resist their racialisation?  A. Naomi Paik, an expert on US imperialism and incarceration, examines the ways in which the current US cities’ sanctuary movement (for new migrants) opposes the Trump regime and how it

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Calendar of racism and resistance (22 September – 5 October 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 21 September: From January, banks and building societies will be required to carry out quarterly immigration status checks on all current account holders, not just on applicants for new accounts, according to Home Office proposals

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Calendar of racism and resistance (1 – 21 September 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 1 September: G4S suspends nine members of staff at Brook House pending an investigation into allegations of abuse and assault revealed in a BBC Panorama programme. A Home Office worker is also suspended. (Guardian, 2

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Direct Provision in Ireland: the holding pen for asylum seekers

In the first of a series, asylum campaigner John Grayson examines the Direct Provision (DP) system for asylum seekers in Ireland. Part-two will examine the private companies involved in providing services under DP. ‘The Minister for Justice has made an outspoken attack on bogus asylum-seeking and “political correctness” at the Oireachtas Justice Committee. Michael McDowell

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