Roma Nation Day

A march to parliament on Roma Nation Day in protest against pan-European anti-Roma racism. Monday 7 April 2013, 12pm, march begins at 3.30pm Assemble at St. John’s Church, 73 Waterloo Rd, Southwark, London SE1 8UD

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Another preventable death in immigration detention?

On Sunday 30 March, Christine Case a 40-year-old Jamaican woman died at Yarl’s Wood immigration removal centre near Bedford. According to reports in the press[1], Christine Case was heard calling for help and had complained of chest pains shortly before she suffered a heart attack. The emergency services were called around 8am but she was

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How the Swedish media bought into the myth-making of the far Right

The leader of the far-Right Sweden Democrats wants to portray himself as the victim of anti-white racism. A televised interview on 23 February with Jimmie Åkesson, the leader of the far-Right Sweden Democrats (SD), has generated much controversy over the alleged claims made by Åkesson with regards to his childhood in Sölvesborg. The interview is

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Tackling racism through education

At a time when anti-racism in education is often being reduced to ‘cultural awareness’ projects, Show Racism the Red Card’s direct tackling of racism is welcome.  In the early 1980s, the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) produced a series of educational booklets on racism in Britain starting from the premise that, at that time, the

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Family campaigns – fighting every step of the way

The saying goes that time heals all wounds. The families of Cherry Groce and Jimmy Mubenga would probably disagree. Cherry Groce Last week, it was announced on Channel 4 News, that the Met police had made public their 2013 apology to the family of Cherry Groce, who was shot and paralysed during a police raid

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Press Release

Taking a stand for human dignity

This week, IRR News teams up with the Border Crossing Observatory at Monash University, Melbourne, and with the International State Crime Initiative (ISCI) at Kings College, London, to bring new insights and an international perspective to bear on the Global North’s callous mistreatment of asylum seekers and refugees. Spanish civil guards shoot rubber bullets at

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‘No one can be left without hope’: Breathing life into global action for asylum seekers

Australia’s inhuman anti-asylum policies may survive the many protests at Reza Berati’s offshore detention death, but change can come through global solidarity in pursuit of justice for asylum seekers, says Leanne Weber of the Border Crossing Observatory at Monash University.  On 23 February Melbourne’s Federation Square filled with people who had come to commemorate the

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Could Jimmy Mubenga’s death have been prevented?

As we await the publication of a new Home Office manual on deportations, IRR News has gleaned evidence from a number of Freedom of Information requests suggesting that the death of Jimmy Mubenga during deportation could have been prevented. Jimmy Mubenga died on 12 October 2010. A number of Freedom of Information requests into the

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Hillsborough: the truth

A video of Professor Phil Scraton’s lecture on the Hillsborough struggle for justice, delivered last year at the London School of Economics, is now available. On 27 November 2013, the IRR and the Mannheim Centre for the Study of Criminology and Criminal Justice (LSE) hosted a meeting to discuss family campaigns against the state to

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Set her free: shine a light

A peaceful gathering to demand the release of refugee women and to shine a light on Yarl’s Wood and indefinite detention in the UK. Thursday 13 February 2014, 6pm Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF Bring torches, candles and bike lights. Speakers include: Meltem Avcil (ex-detainee and campaigner) Kate Smurthwaite (comedian and activist)

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