Justice4Paps vigil

A vigil for Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah, who died in High Wycombe police custody, on what would have been his birthday. Saturday 20 December 2014, 5pm High Wycombe police station, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP11 1BE The vigil will also remember all those people who have died at the hands of the police and

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Calendar of racism and resistance (14 – 27 November 2014)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum seekers and refugees 14 November: It is revealed that an unnamed language analyst working for Swedish firm Sprakab, is a convicted drug smuggler whose expert reports have been used to refuse asylum to hundreds in the UK.

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Community monitor volunteer training

A training day on community monitoring of the police. Saturday 29 November 2014, 10.30-4pm Sustained Theatre Up North, Z-Arts Centre, 335 Stretford Road, Manchester M15 5ZA RELATED LINKS Northern Police Monitoring Project NETPOL  

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Home Office contractors ‘expected to lie’, inspection reveals

Phil Miller of Corporate Watch examines a recent report[1] from the prison inspectorate on charter deportations from the UK. Security guards from Capita subsidiary Tascor were ‘expected to lie’ to people about being deported, raising the risk of self-harm, a new report by the Prison Inspector Nick Hardwick reveals. Guards were also ‘asleep for significant’ periods

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Roma – fascism’s first victims, again

Anti-Roma violence draws strength from fascist ideas that linger on in mainstream European thought. On 15 September, a Roma man from Romania, homeless in Sweden, died of injuries sustained on 31 August, when a fire broke out at a Roma temporary tent camp in Högdalen, southern Stockholm. We will probably never know whether the man,

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Calendar of racism and resistance (31 October-13 November 2014)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum seekers and refugees 3 November: The trial of three G4S guards on charges of the manslaughter of Jimmy Mubenga, during a deportation in October 2010, begins at the Old Bailey. The court is told the guards repeatedly

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Cuguano and the mass movement against slavery

A new book on Ottoboah Cuguano brings to life the history of eighteenth century anti-slavery agitation. In June 1985 the Daily Mail reacted to and sought to lampoon Lambeth Council’s announcement that they planned to name some thirty-five council buildings after prominent black historical figures. ‘This plaque honours the memory of Mister Cuguana — Mr Who?’

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Calendar of racism and resistance (17-30 October 2014)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Policing and criminal justice October: HM Inspectorate of Constabulary publishes a report: An inspection of undercover policing in England and Wales. Download it here. 17 October: The Guardian reveals the stories behind the statistics and the human toll

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Holding football to account

IRR News speaks to Lord Ouseley about his twenty years of kicking racism out of football. When Herman Ouseley set up Let’s Kick Racism out of Football over twenty years ago, one of the driving factors was the rawness and frequency of racist abuse forcing people away from the game. ‘Football had become a game

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Sixteen years of marching

For the sixteenth year, families and friends of those that have died in custody marched on Downing Street at the weekend. Behind the banner of the United Families and Friends Campaign, new families were walking in the procession including the family members of Rubel Ahmed, who died in Morton Hall immigration removal centre earlier this

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