
The Pandora’s box of German fascism has been opened

Below we publish an edited version of a speech given by a spokesperson for the Berlin anti-fascist documentation centre Apabiz at a symposium held at the HAU Theatre, Berlin*.  ‘The problems we face in Germany today are twofold. First, the emergence of a far-right electoral party that is gaining between 10 and 25 per cent of

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SYMAAG 10th anniversary party 

A party to celebrate ten years of the South Yorkshire Migration Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG).  Saturday 12 November 2016 St Andrews Church, Upper Hanover Street, Sheffield S3 7RQ Related links SYMAAG SYMAAG on Facebook  

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The NSU scandal – investigations into child murders re-opened

More police failures in the case of the National Socialist Underground (NSU) have emerged after the discovery of the body of a child who disappeared fifteen years ago. A 9-year-old girl disappeared on her way home from school in Bavaria in 2001. Fifteen years later, skeletal remains of the child, named in the media only as

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Calendar of racism and resistance (30 September – 13 October 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 1 October: Plans for a replacement Dungavel detention centre are revealed, to be sited near Glasgow Airport on an industrial estate, with a 12-foot fence. (The National, 1 October 2016) 1 October: Charities working at

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German development aid and the politics of pre-emption

Below we reproduce excerpts from anti-fascist activist Joschka Fröschner’s October 2016 Race & Class article ‘German development aid and the politics of pre-emption’. Forty years ago, development aid programmes in the ‘Third World’, if colonial in thrust and often imperial in economic purpose, were at least usually recognisably different from war, conflict and internal repression. And

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Press Release

Witness against torture

The October 2016 of Race & Class leads with two very timely and politically-provoking articles on the international impact of securitisation. Chandra Russo (of Colgate University, US) explores, through the protests of the group Witness Against Torture, how solidarity with those detained at Guantánamo has been maintained on US streets and how the plight of detainees

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From Grunwick to Deliveroo: getting organised, getting unionised

A one-day conference bringing together campaigners, trade unionists, activists and thinkers to examine the changing nature of work and the terrains for resistance. Saturday 26 November 2016, 10.30-4.30pm Willesden Library Centre, 95 High Road, London NW10 2SF Forty years ago Asian women at Grunwick led a strike for basic human dignity at work and for the

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Marketing children in prison: G4S and outsourcing

An action workshop for Universal Children’s Day organised by Stop G4S Sheffield and South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG). Saturday 19 November 2016, 10-4pm Quaker Meeting House, Sheffield, 10 St James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW Speakers: Carolyne Willow – Children Behind Bars Clare Sambrook – Eric Allison – Guardian prison correspondent of the since 2003 Speaker from Action for

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London Anarchist Bookfair

The annual London anarchist bookfair.  Saturday 29 October 2016, 10-7pm Park View School, West Green Road, London N15 3QR (nearest station: Seven Sisters, Victoria Line)  Related links Anarchist Book Fair

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The 1981 Uprisings @ 35: Criminal Justice, Community and the State

A one-day conference bringing together community groups, policy makers and academics to reflect on the 35th anniversary of the Scarman Report, authored in response to the inner-city uprisings of 1981. Saturday 5 November 2016, ­10-6pm Peoples Palace, Lecture Theatre 1, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS Confirmed speakers include:  Gus

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