
Holding G4S to account

Last week, activists gathered to protest at the activities of the multinational corporation G4S, whose guards were involved in the death of Angolan Jimmy Mubenga in October 2010. A ‘day of action for Jimmy Mubenga, victim of G4S and the deadly deportation machine’ saw people from numerous groups campaigning against the activities of G4S gather

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Shooting rampage in Front National (FN) heartland

A Facebook campaign was set up denouncing the prosecution of a French couple motivated by anti-Arab racism. On the night of 4-5 August, in the small town of Aigues-Mortes, Gard, William Vidal, a fireman, and his wife Monique Guindon were driving slowly past a group of young people of north African origin chatting in front

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Stop G4S Convergence

Next weekend Sheffield will witness a Convergence of activists campaigning against the many faces of G4S. The Convergence has been called by organisations campaigning against the activities of G4S and aims to plan how to build a more effective Stop G4S campaign. Supported and endorsed by the Boycott Israel Network, Corporate Watch, Dundee Trades Council,

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Austerity, injustice & the power of protest

A Defend the Right to Protest conference on austerity, injustice and protest. Sunday 14 October 2012, 11.30-5.20 University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY Speakers include: Alfie Meadows Matt Foot – Campaigning Lawyer Nina Power Tony Benn Janet Alder Estelle Du Boulay – Newham Monitoring Project Justice for Bolton Hannah Dee – DtRtP

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Poetry prize for Talha Ahsan

From a prison cell, Talha Ahsan, fighting extradition to the US, has produced award-winning poetry. Talha Ahsan is already know as a formidable poet as well as one of the men fighting unjust extradition to the US because of the location of a computer server. Recognition of his talent came this month from the Koestler Trust

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Collectively opposing stop and search

A collective of sixteen organisations has launched a campaign against current stop and search policy. The groups have sent an open letter to Home Office ministers Theresa May and Nick Herbert, and Bernard Hogan-Howe (the present Commissioner of the Metropolitan police). It highlights the racially discriminatory character of the implementation of recent stop and search

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When apologies are not enough

What are the implications of the ground-breaking report of the Hillsborough Independent Panel for the families of those who die in police, prison and psychiatric custody? Yesterday, David Cameron issued an apology to the families and victims of the Hillsborough tragedy: ‘With the weight of the new evidence in this report, it is right for

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Did Macpherson manacle the police?

A recent publication on policing from rightwing think-tank Civitas extends its attack on anti-racism into a ‘white victimhood’ thesis. Civitas’ latest pamphlet, Mind-Forg’d Manacles by ex-Labour Councillor Jon Gower Davies, is an attempt to bury once and for all Macpherson’s finding of institutional racism in the Metropolitan Police Service. It argues that this finding has

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Soldier jailed for ‘senseless’ racist attack

A family have thanked Sussex police for tracking down a soldier who nearly killed their teenage son in a vicious unprovoked racist attack. One drunken punch was all it took to put 15-year-old Mohammed ‘Mo’ Bourner in a coma: a punch of such sheer ferocity that his head smashed first into a car bonnet and

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Who Polices the Police?

Garden Court Chambers in conjunction with the Institute of Race Relations is hosting a showing of Ken Fero’s Who Polices the Police?, followed by a panel discussion. Friday 5 October 2012, 6-9pm Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3LJ Sean Rigg dies in a caged area of Brixton Police Station in August 2008

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