Copies of the CARF magazine 1991-2003 are now available as a downloadable archive on the IRR’s website – a vital resource for those interested in the history of anti-racist campaigning.
The magazine CARF was first published in 1977 as a newspaper by a local Kingston anti-fascist group and later adopted by the All London Anti-Racist Anti-Fascist Co-ordinating Committee as its publication. It continued as an occasional newspaper under the auspices of the CARF Collective from 1977-79. From 1979-1990 the collective provided a four-page anti-racist supplement which was included in each edition of the monthly anti-fascist magazine Searchlight. In 1991 the CARF collective, a voluntary groups of anti-racists, decided to publish its own bi-monthly magazine with analysis, features, interviews, news from campaigns and a regular calendar. The magazine later went quarterly. Seventy-two issues, with photos, cartoons and illustrations, are now available for free download.
The right to asylum (No. 72, Autumn 2003)
Yarl’s Wood: profit before lives? (pp.3-7), Yarl’s Wood on trial (p.4), Terrorising minority communities (pp.7-9), Fahim Ahmed (pp.7-8), Mehmet Karaqilan (pp.8), Calendar: the “War on Terror’ 2003 (p.9), Access to justice denied: legal aid funding cuts for refugees (pp.10-11), Death at the Border (p.12), Deaths in custody (p.13), Ricky Bishop inquest verdict (p.13), Redefining Anti-Semitism (pp.14-15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
New empire, new solidarity (No. 71, Summer 2003)
We the people (p.3), A letter from America (p.3), Fortress America (pp.4-7), Solidarity for peace in the Middle East (pp.8-11), Campaigns and reports (pp.11-15), War fall-out (pp.11-12), Hell fire on earth (p.13), Bland and dangerous? (p.14), Freedom to hate? (p.15). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
15/2 The answer to 9/11 (No. 70, Spring 2003)
No welcome for Iraqis (p.3), The hate industry (pp.4-7), Terrorising communities (pp.8-9), Arrests under anti-terrorist legislation since September 11, 2001 (pp.10-12), Blunkett’s law of inhumanity (pp.13), Campaigns and reports (pp.15), Yarl’s Wood update (pp.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Racism and the market-state (No. 69, Winter 2002/2003)
Racism and the market state (pp.3-5), New Labour and new authoritarianism in criminal justice (pp.6-7), Asylum: the end of the road (pp.8-11), Cynical manoeuvres in the War Against Terror (p.12), CARF remembers Mike Cohen (p.13), Prejudice and contempt: terror trial by media (p.14), Racist murders (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
People’s security …. not national security (No. 68, Autumn 2002)
People’s security not national security (p.3), India, Pakistan: the threats to peace (pp.5-6), Israel and the US: shoulder to shoulder against ‘terrorism’ (pp.7-8), Refugees at risk (pp.9-13), The IOM and the culture of expulsion (pp.9-10), Campaigning under threat (pp.11-14), Campaigns and updates (p.14), Defence campaigns to fight riot convictions (p.14), Sentencing in Bradford: some cases (p.14), Obituary: Maureen McMillan (p.14), Alder officers cleared of all charges (p.15), Shoot to kill? (p.15), Harry Stanley inquest verdict (p.15), Derek Bennet update (p.15), Injustice wins award (p.15), Family seeks truth – 25 years on (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Fundamentalism? (No. 67, Summer 2002)
An unholy alliance? Racism, religion and communalism (pp.3-7), The rise of Christian fundamentalism (pp.8-10), New far-Right identity politics (pp.11), We’re all anti-racists now – the new immigration consensus (pp.12-13), Yarl’s Wood (p.14), Campaigns and updates (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Blunkett’s new race doctrine (No. 66, February/March 2002)
Community cohesion…Blunkett’s new race doctrine (pp.3-5), We didn’t get justice (pp.6-8), Why was racism not mentioned? (p.9), The knock on the door (pp.10-13), Refugee murder – not racist? (p.14), Reviews and updates (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 3mb).
In the name of security (No. 65, December 2001/January 2002)
All in the name of security (pp.3-5), The challenge of September 11 (pp.6-7), Britain’s exporting terror (pp.8-10), Trial by jury or state appointees? (pp.11), Reviews and updates (pp.12-15), Asylum-prison complex expands (p.12), Voucher review (p.13), Black deaths in custody (p.14), Racist murders? (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Demonisation (No. 64, October/November 2001)
Racism rides on back of war (p.3), The end of asylum (pp.4-5), The crimes of NASS (p.6-8), Lessons from Liverpool (p.9), Taking on the media (pp.10-11), Campaigns and reports (pp.12-15), Oakington: victory against detention (p.12), Summer of rebellion update (p.13), Stop the cover up (p.14), Support justice for McGowans (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb)
Summer of rebellion: the CARF report (No. 63, August/September 2001)
When Oldham Asians fought back (pp.3-8), Challenging racial violence (pp.9-10), Scotland’s eviction row (p.11), People’s Tribunal on deaths in custody (pp.12-14), Reviews and updates (p.15), Students rally for asylum seekers (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Licence to hate: electioneering and racist violence (No. 62, June/July 2001)
Licence to hate (pp.3-6), Crossover on the Right? (pp.6-8), Terrorism Act – embracing tyranny (p.8), Reviews & Updates (p.11-13), Chhokar family walkout (p.11), Black deaths in custody (p.12-1), National Civil Rights Movement (pp.13-15), NCRM updates and news (p.14), NCRM South-West (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
And the killings go on… (No. 61, April/May 2001)
Racial motivation (pp.3-5), Killer politics (p.5), Racism, nationalism and the Countryside Alliance (p.6), National Civil Rights Movement (pp.7-10), NCRM South-West (p.7), Leicester NCRM (p.8), Dover 58 (p.9), Civil Rights Caravan (p.10), How anti-trafficking initiatives criminalise refugees (pp.11-14), Reviews and updates (pp.14-15), Black deaths in custody (p.14), Trial of Harald G (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Killer politics (No. 60, February/March 2001)
Ramin Khalegi: asylum policy kills (p.3), Killer politics (p.4), A tale of two countries (p.7), Asylum deaths (pp.8-10), Bush and the racist right (pp.11-12), Campaigns and reports (pp.13-14), Race murder trials (p.13), Jay Abatan (p.14), Surjit Chhokar (p.14), And independent PCA? (p.14), National Civil Rights Movement (p.14), An open inquiry into prisons (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Her Majesty’s racist prisons (No. 59, December 2000/January 2001)
Choklar killers walk (p.3), Zahid Mubarek: killed by a racist; failed by the system (p.4), Britain’s racist prisons (p.5), Hope or hijack? Racism and the Human Rights Act (p.6), Burying Macpherson (p.9), National Civil Rights Movement (p.10), Garry Walton (p.11), Civil Rights Caravan (p.12), Leicester Civil Rights Movement (p.13), Campaigns and reports (pp.14-15), Dispersal reports (p.14), The murder of the taxi-driver Tariq Javed (p.14), No compromise on vouchers (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 2mb).
Civil Rights Caravan special issue (No. 58, October/November 2000)
UK Civil Rights Caravan (pp.3-6), Leicester welcomes the Caravan (p.3), Caravan in London and Sheffield (p.4), Caravan programme (p.6), National Civil Rights Movement (pp.7-10), Safrez Najieb (p.7), Christopher Alder inquest (p.8), Prison racism (p.9), Support the Balaz family (p.10), Justice for Samar and Jawad (p.10), Features (p.11-16), The dispersal of xenophobia (p.11), New frontiers in refugee control (p.15), Germany’s Caravan movement (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Mass deportations: Britain’s state-sponsored xenophobia (No. 57, August/September 2000)
How to stop a deportation (p.3), Deportations: more violence, more deaths (pp.4-5), Lords rule against Roma (p.6), Newcastle protests (p.6), The asylum system: who profits (p.7), A day in the life (pp.8-10), Refugees from globalism (pp.10-12), Remember the Dover 58 (p.12), Racist murders in Wales and Wiltshire; racist attack in Dublin (p.13), But who creates the loner? (p.14), M25 Three, innocent and free at last (p.15), Prisons update (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 2mb).
Refugees: racism & resistance, lessons from Europe (No. 56, June/July 2000)
Behind closed doors: racism in prisons and detention centres (p.3), Zahid Mubarek (p.3), Alton Manning campaign (p.3), NACRO exposes prison racism (p.3), Chinese communities organize against racism (p.4), Racism-Refugees-Resistance (pp.5-8), Asylum, popular racism and the local elections (pp.5-8), Lessons in resistance (p.8), Campaigns and reports (pp.10-15), Deportation protests (p.10), Dispersal stories (p.11), Another racist murder in south Wales (p.13), African outrage at racist attacks in Dublin (p.14), Frances Webber comment on the new race relations bill (p.14), Racist attacks round-up (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Beware! Media lies fuel racism (No. 55, April/May 2000)
Xenophobia, racism and the tabloids (pp.2-6), Racial violence on the increase (p.3), Stop this bogus tabloid nationalism (pp.4-6), Murders update (p.6), Asylum-dispersal-detention-xenophobia (pp.7-12), Beat the clock (p.7), Receiving asylum-seekers (p.8), Europe’s asylum-seekers (p.8), Europe’s asylum-prison complex (p.9-11), Austrians for democracy (p.12), Campaigns and reports (pp.13-15), Anti-racism in education after Macpherson: lessons from the Chris Hassan campaign in Hull (p.13), Reclaiming the struggle (p.14), M25 three (p.14), Satpal Ram (p.14), Deaths in custody (p.14), Reviews (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Why? (No. 54, February/March 2000)
One year on: Police racism (pp.2-7), Editorial: Why? (p.3), Racial and violent crimes task force (p.3), Racially motivated murders – know or suspected – since 1997 (pp.4) , Some more racist attacks since April 1999 (p.5), Racist policing (p.6), Deaths in custody (p.6), Campaign updates (p.6), Hassan Musa case to be reopened (p.6), The politics of stop and search (p.7), Asylum policy made in Europe (p.8), The era of global ‘migration management’ begins (p.8-9), Asylum round-up (pp.8-10), Say no to UK credit for Turkish dam (pp.10-11), No asylum hulks on the Mersey (pp.10-11), News from abroad: Lessons from the Netherlands (p.12), Campaigns and reports (p.12), A Scottish challenge (p.13), Ireland runs with the EU pack (p.13), Anti-terrorism laws: A licence for repression (pp.14-15), Reviews (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
The rise and fall of institutional racism (No. 53, December 1999/January 2000)
The rise and fall of institutional racism (p.2), Wasting the Macpherson opportunity (pp.3-4), Institutional Racism in practice (p.5), Adding racism to the criminal justice system (pp.6-7), Christopher Alder update (p.7), A bridge too far for Jack Straw (p.7), Tackling institutional racism in the workplace (p.8), Taking the fight against institutional racism to Europe (pp.9-12), European anti-racist network (pp.10-11), Justice for the Lubeck survivors (p.12), Asylum, welfare and the voluntary sector (pp.13-14), How to make a headline (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Return of the numbers game (No. 52, October/November 1999)
Special Focus: return of the numbers game (pp.3-9), Learning the lessons of Dover (pp.3-5), European asylum hostels attacked (p.6), Straw’s war (pp.8-9), Campaigns and reports (pp.10-15), Deaths in custody (pp.10-11), Racial violence (pp.12), Racism in Wales (p.13), Duwayne Brooks arrested again (p.14), German doctors challenge deportations (p.14), The far-Right’s anti-globalisation campaigns (p.15), Update on Mumia Abu-Jamal (p.15), 1999 diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
From Schengen to La Linea breaking down borders (No. 51, August/September 1999)
Families’ fight for justice continues (p.3), Breaking down borders: From Schengen to La Linea (pp.4-6), Refugee voices (p.5), Solidarity across borders (pp.6-7), Bridget Seisay freed (p.6), Behind the charges at Wormwood Scrubs (pp.8-9), Uniting against globalisation (pp.10-13), Free trade but unfree borders (p.11), Designs for a corporate world (p.12), Stop sapping the poor (p.13), Arming the dictators (p.13), The state of play in the Euro Parliament (p.14), M25 three refused bail (p.14), The saga continues (p.14), Football (p.150), Cricket (p.15), Reviews (p.15), 1999 diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Racism: the ratings war (No. 50, June/July 1999)
Licence to kill (pp.2-3), Editorial (p.3), What welcome for war refugees? (pp.4-5), The politics of numbers: police racism and crime figures (pp.6-9), Policing (p.10), Anti-fascism (p.11), Education (p.11), Ireland north and south (pp.12-13), A parallel fight (p.12), Civil Rights activists in Ireland demand police accountability (p.12), Friends of the Garvaghy road (p.13), National federation of campaigns against racism launched in Ireland (p.13), Asylum rights (p.15), Around the courts: Asylum-seekers criminalised (p.14), Bridget Seisay (p.14), Obituary: Hardev Singh Dhesi 1934-1999 (p.15), 1999 diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Dispersal: state xenophobia and the asylum bill (No. 49, April/May 1999)
Exclusion: New Labour style (pp.2-3), Still the murders continue (p.4), Racist violence update (p.5), Campaigns round up (p.6), After Macpherson: The racism debate (pp.7-10), Deaths in custody – is officialdom listening? (p.11), Voices without frontiers (pp.12-13), Mobilise for Cologne summit (pp.14-15), Kurdish voices suppressed (p.15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the article here (pdf file, 4mb).
Seize the time (No. 48, February/March 1999)
News (pp.3-7), No lessons learnt: Who killed Roger Sylvester? (p.3), Michael Menson update (p.3), Civil rights rally (p.3), People against globalisation (p.4), Deportations (p.4), Taxi-drivers criminalised (p.5), Campaign updates (pp.6-7), Taj Ahmed and Roberto Brollini (p.6), Satpal Ram (p.6), Fascists news (p.6), Prison officer banged up for racist attack (p.6), Blair Peach (p.7), Delroy and Sonia Lido (p.7), Michael Singh (p.7), Features (pp.8-13), Racism & the press in Blair’s Britain (pp.8-13), Europe’s most unwanted race? (pp.14-15), Diary of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Public accountability not public relations (No. 47, December 1998/January 1999)
The great cop out: public accountability not public relations (pp.2-4), The price of Asylum (pp.5-6), Victory for human rights (p.6), Why we should say no to proportional representation (pp.7-9), CARF interview: Resistance to the US prison system (pp.10-11), Campaigns and Reports (pp.12-15), Roma refugee organisation launched (p.12), Anti-racism in Scotland (p.13), Monitoring groups join forces (p.13), Policing: deaths in custody, CS spray (p.14), Hillingdon victory (p.15), Gertrude Elias (p.15), Blair Peach (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
The crime of solidarity (No. 46, October/November 1998)
Solidarity across frontiers (p.3), Terror Act: a charter for repression (pp.4-5), Reviewing government reviews (pp.6-7), Why Labour should spur Enron (p.8), Media, the internet and stereotypes of the Third World (p.9-11), Campaigns and Reports (pp.12-14), News from the Stephen Lawrence inquiry (pp.12-13), Menson family fight for justice (p.13), Policing (p.13), White Ireland? (p.14), Lubeck outrage (p.14), Reviews (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Where do we go from here? (No. 45, August/September 1998)
Stephen Lawrence inquiry (pp.2-5), France: the racism that kills (pp.4-7), Education: is Labour failing black children? (p.7), Corporate rights: human wrongs (pp.8-9), Campsfield revelations (pp.10-12), Prison industry (p.11), In touch with Europe (p.12), Campaigns and Reports (pp.12-15), Challenging German neo-Nazism (p.12), Michael Singh (p.13), Jyoti Brar (p.13), Mary Njuguna (p.13), Cricket (p.13), Fascist round-up (p.14), Shawlands (p.14), Football (p.14), Obituaries (p.15), Review (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 5mb).
Racism goes global (No. 44, June/July 1998)
Globalisation analysed (pp.2-4), Refugee children: Scandal of the missing children (pp.4-5), The Stephen Lawrence inquiry (p.6), European Perspectives: Anti-racism & youth work (pp.7-9), Racism in prisons (pp.10-11), Campaigns and Reports (pp.12-15), Self-defence criminalised (p.12), Fascist round-up (pp.12), Campsfield: campaign vindicated (p.13), German sanctuary grows (p.13), Chowdhury family must stay (p.13), Watching them, watching us (p.13), Cricket (p.14), Women against violence and exploitation (p.14), Dub mentality (p.15), Kureisihi: not so cool (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Ethical policies begin at home (No. 43, April/May 1998)
Behind Glasgow’s gangs (p.3), Soccer’s hidden racism: blowing the whistle (pp.4-5), The Powell effect (pp.6-7), Is there a New Deal for black youth (p.8), Electoral politics and the European far Right (pp.9-11), In touch with Europe (p.9), Around the European courts (p.11), Campaigns and Reports (pp.12-15), Campsfield 9 – drop the charges (p.12), From Campsfield to Eisenhuttenstadt (p.13), Justice for Ricky Reel (p.13), Deportations update (p.13), Fascist round-up (p.14), Silcott must be freed (p.15), Jason Sebastian: inquest verdict (p.15), Internet column (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
J’accuse: death by policy (No. 42, February/March 1998)
The killing of Muhammed Khan: robbery isn’t colour blind (p.3), The lessons of Stephen Lawrence (pp.4-5), Anti-racist youth work (p.6), J’accuse: deaths in Europe 1997 (pp.7-11), Pawns in a deadly game: the plight of Kurdish refugees (pp.12-13), Racism in education: treading on cultural corns (p.14), Deaths in custody (p.14), Fascist round-up (p.14), Mohammed Siddique: victory (p.15), Review: Amistad (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Whose hard choices? (No. 41, December 1997/January 1998)
Campsfield: the gloves are off (p.3), The Home Office, the Onibiyo family and Pardeep Saini (pp.3-4), No safety for Roma (pp.4-6), Legal aid: no cash, no justice (pp.7-9), Will community safety orders solve racism? (p.9), Beware the New Missionaries (pp.10-12), Campaigns and Reports (pp.12-15), Justice for migrant workers (p.12), Young refugees march (p.13), In touch with Europe (p.13), Fascist round-up: No soul in Dover (p.14), Scottish Gypsies ignored (p.14), CARF and the Prison Service (p.14), Deaths in custody (p.15), Reviews (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Getting through (No. 40, October/November 1997)
The Lawrence inquiry (pp.3-5),Labour & immigration (pp.4-5), Getting Through? New approaches to tackling youth racism (pp.6-10), Interactive anti-racism (pp.8-10), Scandinavia’s new racisms (p.11), National security deportation (p.11), Campaigns and reports (pp.12-15), Ibrahima Sey – unlawfully killed (p.12), PCA on the defensive (p.12), Fascist round-up (p.13), Racism at Ford’s (p.13), Concentration Campsfield (p.14), Let the Onibiyos stay (p.14), Camden United (p.14), Habitually destitute (p.15), Anti-English sentiment in Scotland (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
CPS in the dock (No. 39, August/September 1997)
Deaths in custody victory (pp.3-4), Prisoner left hanging (p.4), The nationalist curriculum (p.5), Europe, Asylum and immigration (pp.6-11), Immigration: the politics of compromise (pp.6-8), Italian hunger strikes spread (p.7), Germany: Palestinians under threat (p.8), Labour: three months on (pp.8-10), AIDS work under threat (p.10), Report from Amsterdam (p.11), Campaigns and Reports (pp.12-15), Victory for Prakash and Prem (p.12), Reunited the Onibiyo family (p.12), News from Campsfield (p.13), Archives of resistance (p.13), ‘Sus’ Euro-style (p.14), Satpal Ram (p.14), M25 Three (p.14), Trade union round-up (p.15), Southall rally (p.15), Manchester fight police cover-ups (p.15), BNP fiasco (p.15), Review (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Is there a new approach to the immigration in the UK? (No. 38, June/July 1997)
HIV/Aids: whose survival? (p.3), A new agenda on immigration? (pp.4-5), The ‘Eurocircus’ (pp.6-9), Austerity hits migrants first (pp.6-7), IGC: immigration and asylum (p.8), The far Right on Europe (pp.8-9), Amsterdam’s alternative agenda (pp.8-9), Campaigns and Reports (pp.10-14), Victory in Dutch airline campaign (p.10), Commission slates Lubeck trial (p.11), In touch with Europe (p.11), Immigration prisoners fight back (p.12), Schoolchildren fight deportations (p.12), Policing (p.13), Racist murders (p.13), Fascist round-up: mission impossible (p.14), BNP: Gloss dross (p.15), Sport (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
New Labortive (No. 37, April/May 1997)
The ballad of the ‘sans papiers’ (p.3), Law, order and the politics of convergence (pp.4-6), Challenging attitude surveys (p.7), 20 Years of CARF (pp.8-9), What’s happening in the voluntary sector? (pp.10-11), Campaigns and Reports (pp.12-15), Scientific racism quarantined (pp.12-13), In touch with Europe (p.12), Lawrence campaign update (p.13), Stop dividing black families (p.13), Around the European courts (p.13), Fascist round-up (p.14), Policing (p.14), Ford’s: inter-union dispute or race dispute? (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance? (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Special feature on deaths in Europe (No. 36, February/March 1997)
Fast for freedom (p.3), Benefits challenge (p.3), Special Report on Deaths in Europe (pp.4-11), Racism goes underground (pp.4-9), Death by policy (p.5), Profits above people (p.8), Focus on Northern Ireland: Here to stay, here to fight (p.10-11), Campaigns and Reports (pp.12-14), C18 and the letterbomb plot (p.12), Fighting the fascists (p.12), Brutality by another name (p.13), Justice for Amer Rafiq (p.13), Hillingdon strikers betrayed (p.14), Report angers Bradford (p.14), Challenge to joint enterprise (p.14), CRE researches internal controls (p.15), Around the courts (p.15), Reviews (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Desperately seeking asylum (No. 35, December/January 1996-1997)
Racism and Bullying: Why did Vijay die? (p.3), Asylum-Seekers: Caught by the Act (pp.4-6), Down and out in London (pp.4-6), View from the Nightwatch (p.6), The CARF interview: Radio for the community – Steve Buckley (p.7), Fascism across classes (pp.8-9), In touch with Europe (p.9), Spain’s deportation machine (p.10), Campaigns and Reports (pp.11-14), Remember Simon Tang (p.11), Ban the killer spray (p.11), Policing (pp.12-13), Deportations (p.14), Fascist round-up (p.14), Reviews (p.15), Football (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Challenge to the left (No. 34, October/November 1996)
Free the Kings Cross Two (pp.2-4), No to National Preference (pp.4-7), Undocumented but not illegal (pp.4-6), In touch with Europe (p.7), Sixty years of fighting fascism (p.9), Obituary: Mickey Fenn (p.9), Black comedy: From blacking up to standing up (pp.10-11), Campaigns and Reports (pp.12-15), Policing – stop the brutality (pp.12-13), Fascist roundup (p.14), Stop deportations (p.15), Chapeltown (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Emergency (No. 33, August/September 1996)
Bring Noel home (p.3), Support the Lubeck survivors (pp.3-4), From refugee to terrorist (pp.5-7), Under interrogation (pp.6-7), The truth about the human trade (pp.8-9), Is race research neutral? (p.10), Criminalising the excluded (p.10), Campaigns and reports (pp.11-13), Lilley’s pride: Britain’s shame (p.11), West Midlands Anti-deportation campaign (p.12), Policing (p.13), Fascist round-up (p.13), Sports special (pp.14-15), Reports from Euro 96 (pp.14-15), Cricket (pp.14-15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Newspeak, Rightspeak (No. 32, June/July 1996)
Branded a bigot (p.3), The fight against racist science (pp.4-5), The end of racism? (p.5), Leftspeak/Rightspeak/Newspeak (pp.6-8), Winning hearts and minds: advertising and anti-racism (p.9), Racism on Tyneside (pp.10-11), Chapeltown accused (p.11), Campaigns and reports (pp.12-15), Disarm the police (p.12), Free the M25 Three (p.13), Kings X Two appeal (p.13), Fascist round-up (p.13), Arab women take on corporate might (p.14), BBC sacks Arabs (p.14), Euroscene victory (p.14), Internationalism in education (p.14), Ade Onibiyo deported (p.14), Yilmaz march (p.15), Migrants against HIV/AIDS (p.15), Stop deportations (p.15), Asylum Bill update (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Disarm the police (No. 31, February/March 1996)
Ban the killer spray (p.3), Justice for Amer Rafiq (p.4), Incitement – the new state weapon (pp.4-5), Criminalising solidarity (pp.6-7), Safe for profits (p.7), Roma at risk (pp.8-9), CARF interview: Raju Bhatt (p.10), Campaigns and reports (p.11-15), No pass laws here (p.11), Stop the immigration raids (p.11), Benefits case lost (p.11), Stop deportations (p.12), Victory for Dr Edeh (p.12), Justice for Chapeltown (p.13), Satpal Ram (p.13), Lawrence murder trial (p.13), Faith, hope and deportation (p.13), Free Veronique (p.13), Kick ‘n’ tell (p.14), Mosque myths (p.14), Fascist round-up (pp.14-15), Earl Marshal victory (p.15), Anti-racist education for the north east (p.15), European election round-up (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
The human cost (No. 30, February/March 1996)
Head teacher excluded from school (p.3),Kill this racist bill (pp.4-5), Unsettled – but not safe (p.5), Safe for profits, not for people (pp.6-7), Accounting for racism: the human cost (pp.8-11), The new boat people (p.11), Campaigns and reports (pp.12-15), Control the police, restrain the officers (pp.12-13), Free the Kings Cross 2 (p.13), Gagging by other means (p.13), Support the Hillingdon hospital strikers (p.14), Fascist round-up (p.14), Malcolm raises racism in cricket (p.14), The other ‘Britpop’ (p.15), Don’t forget Satpal Ram (p.15), A criminal review (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Ghetto Questions (No. 29, December 1995/January 1996)
Kill this racist bill (pp.3-5), Defend Nigerian asylum-seekers (p.5), Ghetto Questions (pp.6-11), The challenge of Camden (pp.6-7), Bradford victory (p.7), Lewisham: a local history (p.7), Race, class and black struggle (pp.8-10), CARF interview: Barbara Ransby (pp.8-9), Hip-hop and Black Nationalism (p.9), Racism and the Right (p.10), France: war without negotiation (p.11), Campaigns and Reports (pp.12-14), Satpal Ram: no justice, no peace (p.12), Fascist round-up (pp.12-13), Euro-election watch (p.13), Death by noise rage? (p.13), Wales: racist murderers jailed (p.14), Around the courts (p.14), Inquest column: Why do ‘model prisoners’ die? (p.14), Sports and review (p.15), Calendar of race & resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
New Labour or new Right? (No. 28, October/November 1995)
No more racist laws (p.3), Refugee children need rights (pp.4-5), No to compulsory repatriation (p.4), Against nuclear testing – for independence (p.5), New Labour or New Right? (pp.7-10), Newham Unity Festival (p.9), Campaigns and Reports (pp.11-15), Lawrence family make legal history (pp.11-12), Free Satpal Ram (p.11), Stop dividing black families (pp.12-13), More black deaths in custody (p.12), Around the courts (p.13), Fascist round-up (p.14), Reviews (pp.14-15), Football (p.15), Calendar of race & resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Policing the youth (No. 27, August/September 1995)
What sparked the ‘riots’? (pp.3-5), Catching history on camera (pp.4-5), Europe (pp.6-8), Identity cards – not welcome here (p.6), From ill treatment to no treatment (pp.7-8), United against detentions (pp.8-9), Campaigns and reports (pp.10-14), No justice for Joy (p.10), Inquest column (p.10-11), PCA whitewash (p.10), Mumia Abu-Jamal must not die (p.11), Fascist round up (pp.12-13), Remember Donna O’Dwyer (p.13), Newham unity festival (p.13), Nnalue family support group (p.13), Obituary: Rashid Meer (p.14), Reviews: books for young people (p.14), Football (p.14), Cricket: hot racism for six (p.15), Calendar of race & resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Who’s next? (No. 26, June/July 1995)
Who killed Brian Douglas? (p.3), Joy Gardner trial (p.3), The accountancy of asylum (pp.4-6), New Euro networks (p.6), Labour’s pledge to Tower Hamlets (pp.7-8), CARF interview: Adil Rehman (p.9), Campaigns & Reports (pp.10-15), No immigration deaths (pp.10-11), Fascist election flop (p.11), Policing (p.12), Round-up on racist violence (p.13), A letter from Doreen and Neville Lawrence (p.13), News from the shopfloor (p.13), CARF goes to Jersey (p.14), Anti-deportation campaigns (p.15), Football (p.15), Baadass TV (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 5mb).
Licensed to kill (No. 25, April/May 1995)
Reclaim the Game (p.3), The CPS: an obstacle to justice (pp.4-5), Local focus: Manchester realities (pp.6-7), Dealing with young offenders (p.7), Defend undocumented workers (p.8), Italian left compromise (p.10), Racism on the high seas (p.11), Campaigns and Reports (pp.12-15), C18 thugs get off lightly (p.12), Tower Hamlets 9 vindicated (p.14), Satpal Ram appeal granted (p.14), Around the courts (p.14), Ishtiaq Ahmed (p.14), Sexuality and immigration controls (p.15), Reviews (p.15), Calendar of race and resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Building unity (No. 24, February/March 1995)
Obituary: Hilary Arnott (p.2), Interview: A. Sivanandan on ‘Fighting our fundamentalisms’, campaigning priorities for anti-racists (pp.2-6), 1994’s Euro-League of death (pp.7-10), Death in transit: the new boat people (p.10), Campaigns and Reports (pp.11-15), Racism behind locked doors (p.11), CPS: urgent action needed (p.12), Fascist round-up (p.12), Colly Wilson freed on appeal (p.13), Ronald Thomas campaign (p.13), Darnall victory (p.13), Kurds under threat (p.14), Bayo Omoyiola must stay (p.14), Basso Tribunal (p.14), Hemlata Patel Must stay (p.14), Reviews: Trade unions challenged (p.15), Babylon’s banning (p.15), Sweatshop (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
The return of scientific racism (No. 23, November 1994/ January 1995)
Fascists target the north (p.3), C18 head-hunts Chelsea (p.3), Asian youth: victims or vigilantes? (pp.4-5), Criminalising community radio (p.5), Criminal justice: a bill too far (p.5), CARF interview: Cartoonist Tony Hall (pp.6-7), Obituary: Ernie Roberts (p.7), The return of scientific racism (pp.8-9), The technology of immigration control (pp.8-10), France – an imperial power? (p.11), Campaigns and reports (pp.12-15), Anti-deportation campaigns (pp.12-13), Protest for Satpal Ram (p.12), Fighting for asylum rights (p.13), Murder in Long Martin (p.13), Fascist round-up (p.14), Leyton fire attack (p.14), Truth and justice for Mark Harris (p.14). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Racism and anti-racism in popular culture (No. 22, September/October 1994)
The trials of the Deol family (p.3), BNP exploits King’s cross killing (p.3), Xenophobes United! World Cup review (pp.4-5), United colours of football (p.5), World Cup racist attacks (p.5), Interview with Fun-da-mental (p.7), Silcott reconvicted (p.7), Christian crusaders for fascism (pp.8-10), Racism and population control (p.10), Tory policy – prejudice before fact (p.11), Campaigns and reports (pp.12-15), Self defence is the only way (p.12), Defend the Rochdale Three (p.12), Inquest column: five more deaths (p.13), Kurdish rights (p.13), Campsfield update (p.14), Stop deportations (p.14), No justice for Oliver Campbell (p.14), Colly Wilson appeal (p.14), Snap (p.15), Obituary: Surinder Bassi (p.15), BNP prioritises east London (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16) Download the issue here (pdf file, 5mb).
In the shadow of the right (No. 21, July/August 1994)
Defending Darnall (p.3), In the shadow of the New Right (pp.4-6), Standing up to racist laws (p.6), Excluded from school (p.7), ‘Post-fascism’ and other tales (pp.8-9), Euro-parliament: the state of play (p.8), Campaigns and reports (pp.10-14), Campsfield explodes (pp.10-11), Stop deportations (p.11), Fascist election round-up (p.12), Miscarriages of justice (p.13), Kick racism out of football (p.13), Around the courts (p.14), Age-testing: the abuse of medical science (p.14), Review: the face of Fu Manchu (p.15), South Africa – free at last: interview with Fatima Meer (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 5mb).
Why we need a race-class politics (No. 20, May/June 1994)
The race for votes (p.3), Recreating the ‘colour bar’ (pp.4-5), Travellers hounded (p.5), The politics of equal opportunities (pp.6-7), No to Victorian sweatshops (pp.6-7), Stop victimising Union members (p.8), Sheffield unites with Calcutta workers (p.9), France: a fundamental racism (p.10), Stop the repatriations (p.11), Campaigns & reports (pp.12-15), Build on the hunger strikes (p.12), The common ‘enemy’ (p.12), Miscarriages of justice (p.13), Refugee murdered (p.13), Around the courts (p.14), Kick racism out of football (p.14), Germany: migrants fight back (p.14), ‘SUS’ is back (p.15), Fear of a black ‘underclass’ (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Building anti-racism in the trade union movement (No. 19, March/April 1994) 
Fascism in the labour heartland (p.3), From Red Scar Mill to Burnsalls: black workers today (pp.4-5), The CARF interview: John Monks, the General Secretary of TUC (pp.6-7), Racism in employment (p.7), Journalists or police spies? (p.7), Fight & unite: justice for the Drays (p.8), Railway depot – white stronghold (p.8), Muhammad Idrish on racist laws (p.9), Labour & Trade Union Campaign Against Racism & Fascism (p.9), Criminalising the Kurds (pp.10-11), German show trial (p.11), Campaigns & reports (pp.12-15), Fascist round-up (p.12), Westminster Tories: the hidden agenda on refugees (p.13), Manchester club raided (p.13), Close down Campsfield (p.13), Around the courts (p.14), Ishtiaq Ahmed is innocent (p.14), Nottingham unites (p.15), Review: Bhaji on the Beach (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Who’s being framed? (No. 18, January/February 1994)
Close down Campsfield (p.3), Here to stay, here to fight (p.3), Deadly Europe (pp.4-8), No platform for propaganda (pp.8-9), The black media: from resistance to ratings (pp.10-11), Review: Racetracks (p.11), Campaigns & reports (pp.12-15), Remaining loyal – the far-right way (p.13), Remember Ali Ibrahim (p.14), Unity over policing (p.14), Inquest column: Lumumba: no prosecution (p.14), Racism and tenants associations (p.15), Racism in Oldham housing (p.15), Consensus politics (p.15), Fascists target Camden (p.15), Noticeboard (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
What they don’t tell you about Tower Hamlets (No. 17, November/December 1993) 
Bengali youth connections (p.3), The case against CPS (pp.4-5), European election round-up (pp.6-7), Campaign for Citizenship Rights (p.7), Tower Hamlets: Who’s the most racist of them all? (pp.8-9), The CARF interview: Cecil Rajendra (p.10), Campaign and Reports: Joy Gardner: no cover up! (p.11), People’s tribunal (p.11), Exclusions victory (p.11), M25 Three still fighting (p.11), Fascist round up (pp.12-13), Burnsalls challenge GMB (p.13), Inquest column (p.13), Clive Forbes Support Committee (p.14), Murder trials (p.14), Review: Booking the police (p.14), Noticeboard (p.14), Black footballers: the real history (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
The undeclared war (No. 16, September/October 1993)
Defying the repatriation plan (p.3), Battle-lines of policing in London (pp.4-7), The CARF interview Courtenay Griffiths (p.7), The far Right: building its European power base (pp.8-9), Mark Cotterill: From NF to Tory (p.9), Minicabbing: a high price to pay (p.10), Inquest column (p.11), Stop the detentions (p.11), Swansea police raids (p.11), Racist unions divide the struggle (p.12), White rights: the rot spreads (p.12), Fascist round-up (p.13), Justice for Oliver Campbell (p.14), Clive Forbes Support Campaign (p.14), Fortress foul up (p.14), Football (p.15), Reviews (p.15), Noticeboard (p.15), Calendar: Race & Resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
After Solingen: what price citizenship? (No. 15, Jul/Aug 1993)
Articles include: Fighting the Churchill factor (pp.3-4), Campaign for citizenship rights (p.5), After Solingen (p.6), Roma on the March (p.7), The CARF interview: US Black Panther Geronimo ji-jaga Pratt (p.8), Prisoners fast for freedom (p.9), Inside Europe’s lock-ups (p.10), Immigration appeals: a colonial outpost? (p.11), The Burnsall strikers (p.12), Fascist round-up (p.12), Racist murderer convicted (p.13), Around the courts (p.14), Somalis fight Sheffield racism (p.14), Shane Ward (p.14), Shahida Dolan (p.14), Football (p.15), Reviews (p.15), Update (p.15), Calendar: Race & Resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Who are the extremists? (No. 14, May/June 1993)
Articles include: Self-defence is no offence (p.3), The making of terrorists and dissidents: Europe’s new war on the Third World (pp.4-6), No to passport checks (pp.6-7), Expulsion: Britain leads the way (p.8), The CARF interview: Collin Prescod (p.9), Miscarriages of justice (pp.10-11), Racist attacks – more deaths (p.12), Stop deportations (p.13), Solidarity with German anti-racists (p.13), Black community and services under attack (p.14), Elections and the Right (p.14), Metzger ban (p.14), Football (p.15), Reviews (p.15), Trends (p.15), Calendar: Race & Resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 5mb).
Stop this fascist violence (No. 13, March/April 1993) 
Articles include: Blood on the streets (p.3), The mental violence of racism (pp.4-5), Racial harassment is a crime (p.5), The CARF interview: Herman Ouseley (p.6), MEPs of the extreme Right (p.7), Racism at sea (p.7), Prisoners of asylum (pp.8-10), Sanctions against Iraqi people (p.10), Storms subside after ‘Tamilgate’ (p.11), Fascist round-up (p.12-13), Around the courts (p.13), The Inquest column (p.14), M25 Three appeal (p.14), Football: Franco’s fans (p.15), Tower Hamlets condemned (p.15), Winston Silcott defence campaign (p.15), Kurdistan: the other Middle East question (p.15), Update (p.16), Calendar: Race & Resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Death in Europe (No. 12, January/February 1993)
Articles include: Death in Europe: the toll for 1992 (pp.3-7), Black families demand justice (p.7), Campaign for asylum rights (pp.8-9), Criminalising asylum-seekers (p.9), Iraqgate and the trade in arms (p.9), ‘The danger of a racist nation’ (p.10), Stop deportations (pp.11-12), Fascist round-up (p.12), Campaigns in education (pp.13-14), Justice for Gill Smith (p.14), European football: 1 Racists 0 (p.14), Reviews (p.15), Update (p.15), Calendar: Race & Resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
The racist road to the Edinburgh summit (No. 11, November/December 1992)
Articles include: Fight these racist laws (p.3), Nobody knows his name (pp.3-4), Links in the chain of European racism (pp.5-6), Under siege in Paris (pp.6-7), Trouble one the ‘Banlieue’ (p.7), Pogroms against Gypsies (p.7), Racism in special hospitals (p.8), The fight against racism in education (p.9), Racist murders (p.10), Fascists: lack of progress report (p.11), The Inquest column (p.12), Corruption at Stoke Newington (p.12), Justice for Trevor Henry (pp.12-13), Black dentist dismissed (p.13), Isle of Dogs (p.13), Children need rights (p.13), Remember Biko (p.14), Columbus killings (p.14), Good signs for Carf (p.14), Sport (p.15), Review (p.15), Update (p.15), Calendar: Race & Resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
The democratic road to fascism (No. 10, September/October 1992)
Articles include: Racial violence: taking stock (p.3), Pawns of imperialism (p.4), Policing he fortress (p.5), A hidden agenda (pp.5-6), Germany: anti-Nazi = traitor (p.7), The democratic road to fascism (pp.8-9), Lynch law in Eberswalde (p.10), Anti-Semitism in the former USSR (p.10), Anti-fascists beware (p.11), Police violence in Newham (p.12), Stop deportations (p.12), The Inquest column (p.13), 500 years of resistance (p.13), Mike Smith defence campaign (p.13), Exeter (pp.13-14), Sport (p.14), The Valley of Words (p.15), Review (p.15), Update (p.15). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Lines of protest (No. 9, July/August 1992)
Articles include: Airlines challenged (p.2), NF in crisis (p.3), Asylum-seekers strike for freedom (pp.4-5), Press defiles anti-fascist history (p.5), The politics of the LA revolt (pp.6-7), Fighting Nazis (p.7), Scotland: a progressive nationalism? (p.8), Muirhouse shows the way (p.9), Racism in the squad (p.10), The makers of black history (p.11), Anti-racist groups cut (p.12), Black communities care (pp.12-13), Race laws – any point? (p.13), Inquest to reopen? (p.13), Newham: No justice no peace (p.14), Peckham: Campaign for Ivan Fergus (p.14), Stop Deportations (p.15), Update (p.15), Review (p.15), Calendar: Race & Resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Harmonising Racism (No. 8, May/June 1992)
Articles include: Targeting demonstrations (p.3), Arabicide in France (pp.4-5), Paris Nightmare (p.5), Tory press plays race card (p.6), Lost amongst the dispossessed (p.7), After Hoyerswerda: the new political consensus in Germany (p.8), Election results (pp.8-9), Letter from the Netherlands (p.9), Fascists in the general election (p.10), ‘The Other Side of Docklands’ (p.11), Racism along the river (pp.11-12), ‘A Cry for Freedom’ (p.13), Don’t forget Chico Mendes (p.14), De Klerk gets cocky (p.14), Football (p.15), Update (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16), Police update (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
‘One death is a death too many’ (No. 7, March/April 1992)
Articles include: The life and death of a refugee (p.3), Manchester murders (pp.3-4), Tell me how my daughter died (pp.4-5), Put policing back on the agenda (p.5), Germany: anti-Semitism and citizenship (p.6), Denmark: sanctuary ends in victory (p.7), ‘Just drunks having a go’ (p.7), Education’s new ethnocentric order (p.8), BNP election count-down (p.10), What the law says (p.11), Asylum rights (p.12), Own goal (p.13), South African dirty tricks (p.13), Guess who’s coming to dinner? (p.14), Indonesia’s massacres (p.14), Reviews and update (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
The challenge to anti racism (No. 6, January/February 1992)
Articles include: Racial violence: challenging old orthodoxies (pp.3-5), Remember Ahmed (p.5), ’Allo! ’Allo! (p.6), No place called home (p.7), ‘Our passports on our faces’ (pp.8-9), Media file (p.10), Belgium swings to the right (p.11), Fascism in Austria (p.11), A letter from Germany (p.12), Apartheid French-style (p.12), Rochdale (p.13), Unlawfully killed (p.14), Palestinians expelled (p.14), Reviews (p.15), Update (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Playing the race card (No. 5, November/December 1991)
Articles include: Remember Kristallnacht: Stop the pogroms (p.2), Burn the race card (p.3), Stop the pogroms (pp.5-6), No master race (p.6), Election fever and the riots (p.7), Monday Club in Essex (p.9), Issues in education (p.10), Fascists court prosecution (p.11), The Third Way to nowhere (p.12), Scotland is a racist country (p.12), Community defence in Hackney (p.13), Defend the Ali brothers (p.13), Legal aid to stay? (p.14), Caribbean families divided (p.14), Reviews (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16), Update (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 3mb).
Refugees: countdown to zero (No. 4, September/October 1991)
Articles include: Refugees: countdown to zero (p.3), No Right to Vote (pp.4-5), Columbus: a colonial celebration (p.6), British nationalists on Europe (p.7), Justice in the dock (p.8), Scotland: the fight back (p.9), Axmed appeal (p.9), A docklands nightmare (p.10), Stop the Deportations (p.11), South London: BNP activity…and policing (p.12), Threatening trends (p.13), Press rampage (p.13), Anger in French suburbs (p.14), Reviews (p.15), Update (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
1981-1991 How racist is Britain? (No. 3, June/August 1991)
Articles include: Scandal of BNP attack (p.3), BNP plan October meeting (p.4), Britain on black alert (p.4), ‘No Justice, No peace’ (p.5), Anti-Arab racism: Europe unites (p.6), North African Women Organise (p.6), New Germany, new racism (p.7), 1981-1991: How racist is Britain? (Broadsheet) (pp.8-12), Why did Vandana have to die? (p.12), No safety net (p.12), Sport (p.13), LA law (p.13), Reviews (p.14), Trends: health (p.15), Update (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 4mb).
Racism: the enemy within (No.2, April/May 1991).
Articles include: The Sun: supporting ‘Our Boys’ (p.3), Anti-Semite abroad/Anti-Arab at home (p.4), Racial violence (p.5), Deportations: ‘the enemy within’ (p.6), Black People against War in the Gulf (p.7), France: Anti-Arab racism (p.8), US: FBI trawl (p.8), Palestine (p.9), Major split on the Right (p.10), Racist Murder in Thamesmead (p.11), Deaths in custody (p.11), Leeds fans unite (p.12), Dewsbury (p.12), Mangrove: down but not out (p.13), Local authorities and racism: Birmingham (p.14), Local authorities and racism: Newcastle (p.14), Reviews (p.15), Trends (p.15), Calendar: race & resistance (p.16), Update (p.16). Download the issue here (pdf file, 3mb).
Alert! New wave of anti-Arab racism (No. 1, Feb/Mar 1991)
Articles include: Tower Hamlets Focus: The Framing of the Asian Community (p.3), East End Fascism (p.4), Small is beautiful? (p.5), From terrorist to barbarian: the face of anti-Arab racism (pp.6-8), Black War Resistance (p.8), Tottenham Three Case Cracks (p.9), Cardiff Three (p.9), Chapletown Defence Campaign (p.10),Cowley: SUS is back (p.10), Remember Tasleem (p.11), Children Attacked (p.11), Newham: Self-defence (p.12), No Entry (p.12). Download the issue here (pdf file, 3mb).
Many thanks to IRR volunteer, Arturs Bilmanis for the work on this project.