News Service

IRR News 10 – 23 June 2016

Dear IRR News subscriber, ‘Death to traitors, freedom for Britain.’ It is indeed tragic that it needed the violent murder of a young MP, Jo Cox, to tell the UK about the dangers in the ‘whipping up of hatred’.  For over forty years, since the fear-inducing headlines in 1976, as a few Malawi Asian families

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Calendar of racism and resistance (10 – 23 June 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and immigration 5 June: Doctors in Switzerland criticise the government’s physical examinations of young unaccompanied asylum seekers to determine their age. The tests involve, in addition to checks for bone and tooth age, young boys and girls

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IRR’s submission to the Labour Party Inquiry into anti-Semitism and other forms of racism

  Below we reproduce the IRR submission to the Labour Party Inquiry into anti-Semitism and other forms of racism, including Islamophobia. 1. Introduction: The intense publicity in the run-up to the formation of this independent inquiry ensures that its findings will also be subject to intense public scrutiny. Despite the seriousness of the accusations levelled

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(Language) policing at Europe’s borders

Frontex plays a key role in screening of new arrivals on Europe’s southern borders, with its interpreters often deciding nationality. Aisha Maniar shows the inappropriateness of this role, given Frontex’ quasi-military role in policing the borders. External borders It will take much more than vigilante Bulgarian ‘migrant hunters’ to protect the borders of Fortress Europe

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Appeal to launch legal centre in Lesbos

Lawyers are seeking support to launch a much-needed legal centre in Lesbos for those detained in refugee camps on the Island. Lesbos sits at the apex of the ‘refugee crisis’ that has been described as the ‘worst since the Second World War’. Over 200,000 people entered Europe by sea between January and June this year, and,

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IRR News 27 May – 9 June 2016

Dear IRR News subscriber, In a week when the world pays homage to a great man (indeed ‘the greatest’) who, undoubtedly, and on so many levels, ‘shook up the world’, we, in our smaller world, were also shaken by the passing of scholar and activist, teacher and exemplar, Professor Cedric Robinson. To mark the passing

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Cedric Robinson 1940 – 2016

It is with immense sadness that we record the death of the IRR’s great friend and stalwart supporter Cedric Robinson in Santa Barbara California on 4 June. Cedric had been connected to Race & Class for almost forty years, writing first in early 1978 (on Richard Wright), joining its Editorial Working Committee in 1980, becoming

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Calendar of racism and resistance (27 May – 9 June 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 17 May: The Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration launches a survey to gauge views on the work of the Inspectorate, which is open until Monday 27 June 2016. Take part in the survey here.

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Tributes to Cedric Robinson

Below we publish tributes to Cedric Robinson. Tom Denyer As intellectual careers go, Professor Cedric Robinson’s serves as a textbook. His first priority, teaching, relied on close, generous engagement with the mind of the individual student. He still found time for disciplined, objective, assiduous research and writing. His genuine interest in the work of his

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Fight or flight in the face of Hungary’s new fascism

© Terri Potoczna Fussen

Activist and poet Sam Berkson examines grassroots resistance to the social and political crisis in Hungary.  On 15 March, a national holiday commemorating the revolution of 1848, some 50,000 people pressed into the rain-soaked square in front of Parliament to listen to speeches, sing together and shout for the removal of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. The teachers,

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