News Service

IRR News (22 September – 5 October 2017)

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, sadly, there was yet another death in immigration detention – the fifth such death in the UK this year. We reported two weeks ago on two other deaths in immigration detention and now the news that a 38-year-old unnamed Jamaican man has died at Morton Hall comes as calls mount

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Calendar of racism and resistance (22 September – 5 October 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 21 September: From January, banks and building societies will be required to carry out quarterly immigration status checks on all current account holders, not just on applicants for new accounts, according to Home Office proposals

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Prevent – racism, resistance, repeal

A report from Just Yorkshire exposes the dangers of the government’s Prevent agenda. ‘I have seen the positive work of Prevent, which has stopped people from being radicalised or going abroad. It’s a fantastic tool and it’s here to stay’. That was Metropolitan Police Commander Dean Haydon’s response when asked in August this year by

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IRR News (8 – 21 September 2017)

Dear IRR News subscriber, The recent Lammy report has revealed the extent of disproportionality of BAME people in the criminal justice system, but how, asks IRR Director Liz Fekete can one look at this issue without examining institutional racism? In a future IRR News bulletin Professor Emeritus Lee Bridges will examine in detail specific recommendations

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Calendar of racism and resistance (1 – 21 September 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 1 September: G4S suspends nine members of staff at Brook House pending an investigation into allegations of abuse and assault revealed in a BBC Panorama programme. A Home Office worker is also suspended. (Guardian, 2

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Without racial justice, can there be trust?

Institutional racism is not mentioned in David Lammy’s important review of the over-representation of BAME people within the criminal justice system. The IRR tries to understand why. UK prisons are at breaking point. Since August, there have been at least four outbreaks of serious disorder, at HMP Birmingham, The Mount Prison (Hertfordshire), Erlestoke Prison (Wiltshire)

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Direct Provision in Ireland: the holding pen for asylum seekers

In the first of a series, asylum campaigner John Grayson examines the Direct Provision (DP) system for asylum seekers in Ireland. Part-two will examine the private companies involved in providing services under DP. ‘The Minister for Justice has made an outspoken attack on bogus asylum-seeking and “political correctness” at the Oireachtas Justice Committee. Michael McDowell

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Two deaths in immigration detention centres in 12 days

On 7 September, an unnamed Polish man died in hospital after self-harming at Harmondsworth detention centre. Twelve days later a Chinese man was found dead at Dungavel in Scotland. Two deaths in twelve days making a total of four deaths already this year. The first man was found at the Mitie-run[1] centre in west London

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IRR News (14 July – 7 September 2017)

Dear IRR News subscriber, Anger is mounting that Dame Elish Angiolini’s report on deaths in custody, widely believed to provide evidence of disproportionality in BAME restraint deaths, has not been released. Home Secretary Amber Rudd has been sitting on the report since the Summer of 2016 and as Stafford Scott points out, the result is

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Calendar of racism and resistance (14 July – 31 August 2017)

A resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 30 June: A report on the situation of unaccompanied refugee children in Greece and ways to improve it, by the International Rescue Committee and METAdrasi, is published. Read the report here. (Are You Syrious, 19 July 2017)

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