News Service

Fortnightly Bulletin

IRR News (6 – 20 May 2021)

Stop and search – more concerns about PCSC Bill If anti-racism is about social justice, social justice is about rights, and this week on IRR News we focus on legislation and police practices that erode rights, as well as asking what should be done in complicated circumstances when the rights of different groups seemingly collide.

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (6 – 20 May 2021)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM, MIGRATION, BORDERS & CITIZENSHIP Asylum and migrant rights 13 May: The Home Office is asked to extend the consultation period on its planned immigration reforms, which ran concurrently with the devolved nations’ parliamentary elections, leaving those nations

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Racial profiling in Italy: A debate not yet begun

  Robert Elliot from Occhio ai Media, a media watch group, has been observing the impact of stop and search by armed soldiers and police in the northern Italian town of Ferrara. In 1988, Sri Lankan-British activist and writer A. Sivanandan wrote of a new ‘Eurocentric racism’ that ‘cannot tell one black from another’ and

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When equalities are marketised, rights suffer

  What, asks Liz Fekete, does the EHRC’s methodology in its report into antisemitism in the Labour Party, warn us about the way equalities are moving? A meeting ‘How the EHRC got it so wrong: antisemitism and the Labour Party’ on 13 May 2021 discussed the new report by Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL) in

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (April 22 – 6 May 2021)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM AND MIGRATION Asylum and migrant rights 22 April: Eight leading law firms join the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants to offer free advice to Windrush scandal victims after the revelation that in two years, fewer

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Playing the Refugee Convention

  With the public consultation closing on 6 May, it is vital to respond and to call out the illegality, impracticality and immorality of the asylum proposals in the government’s ‘new plan for immigration’.[1] The proposals use the gaps in the Refugee Convention to turn it from a beacon of refuge for those seeking safety

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Calendar of racism and resistance (8-22 April 2021)

  A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM AND MIGRATION Asylum and migrant rights 7 April: An inquest into the suicide of 19-year-old Eritrean refugee Mulubrhane Medhane Kfleyosus in 2019, the fourth suicide in his friendship group in 16 months, concludes authorities failed to

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Press Release

From Camus to Covid-19

  The April 2021 issue contains important insights on Covid-19, the marginalisation of indigenous groups in Argentina and the lived experiences of half-widows in Kashmir.     Covid-19 intensifies other social catastrophes, feeding on the ruins of structural inequality and the racism that condemns the marginalised to loss of agency, social apartheid and disposability, argues

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Sewell: a report for neoliberal times

  It’s not the first time that an ‘independent’ report has reflected the ideology and mood music of a government, argues Jenny Bourne, who looks back at key reports from the last fifty years. The final word on the government’s Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities (CRED) report has to be Steve Bell’s cartoon on

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Sewell, stigma and the policing of race

Sewell, stigma and the policing of race

Whilst many agree with the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities report’s recommendation to disaggregate the term ‘BAME’, IRR Director Liz Fekete warns that this is designed to create a new set of norms about how race and racism are conceptualised – and to disappear the matter of structural racism. Enough has been said by

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