News Service

IRR News 20-26 July 2012

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week the IRR’s Jon Burnett has been busy, analysing emerging trends in racially motivated violence and harassment from January – June 2012 and writing a blog for Open Democracy: ‘Abandoned to the far right’. We mark the start of the London 2012 Olympics with a review of a new resource that

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Spotlight on racial violence: January – June 2012

An overview of racial violence and harassment in the first six months of 2012. The Institute of Race Relations (IRR), which documents racist attacks, is now collating regular short briefings on emerging trends in racial violence throughout the UK. And the first six months of 2012 reveals a reality of routine abuse and harassment –

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Fair’s Fair: rights for workers and the London 2012 Olympics

Fair’s Fair, a new free educational resource by Playfair 2012, aims to raise awareness of the human rights abuses of workers who make sporting goods for the Olympics and other major sporting events. The Olympics aim to build a better world through sport.[1] However, what is often forgotten is how workers making sportswear and related

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Back to the future: racism still rules

An analysis of how, from April to July, both Tory and Labour politicians have with media help been carrying the torch for populist, nationalist ideas and repressive racist immigration policies. On BBC Newsnight on 22 June, Paul Mason, the programme’s economics editor, fresh from the barricades of Spain and Greece, and Gillian Tett, Washington editor

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IRR News 13-19 July 2012

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week we report on the perverse Crown Prosecution Service decision not to prosecute the three G4S officers involved in the death of Angolan man Jimmy Mubenga in 2010. And news also reaches us of a death in police custody in Germany. The police are again in the news, as PC

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Jimmy Mubenga’s family devastated

The family of Jimmy Mubenga has been left devastated by the recent decision not to prosecute the three G4S officers involved in his death. Jimmy, a father of five, died after being restrained on a plane at Heathrow airport in October 2010. His family have been waiting since that time for the police to complete

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Germany – another Black death in custody

Campaigners in Germany demand that the death of Ousman Sey in police custody be properly investigated. On 7 July Ousman Sey, a 45-year-old man of Gambian origin, died after being taken into the custody of the Dortmund police. This is the third black death in police custody in Germany since 2005. Already, the indications are

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Perverse failure to prosecute G4S over Jimmy Mubenga’s death

Below we reproduce Frances Webber’s letter to the Guardian about the CPS’ failure to prosecute the G4S officers involved in Jimmy Mubenga’s death. The Crown Prosecution Service’s decision not to prosecute G4S or its guards for the death of Jimmy Mubenga (No prosecution of G4S guards for deportee’s death on plane, 18 July) seems perverse,

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IRR News 6-12 July 2012

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week Frances Webber reports on a new campaign to provide people with vital information if they are subject to or witness a raid by the UK Border Agency (UKBA). Liz Fekete reviews a new film on the riots made by a group of young people. You can also download a

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Migrants and stop and search: know your rights

A campaign has been launched to provide people with vital information if they are subject to or witness a raid by the UK Border Agency (UKBA). IRR News spoke to Indira Kartallozi and Phil Miller, activists in the fast-growing campaign to ensure that undocumented migrants know their rights. IRR: How did the campaign start and

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