News Service

IRR News 27 July-2 August 2012

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week the IRR has published a report on racial violence in Peterborough as part of our ongoing New Geographies of Racism project. Ryan Erfani-Ghettani has been busy analysing media coverage, in one article he examines an Evening Standard campaign against the Roma and in another he assesses the Daily Mail and

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Jury applauded for critical inquest verdict

On Thursday 1 August, an inquest jury delivered a damning verdict on the death of Sean Rigg at Brixton police station in August 2008. On 1 August 2012, Southwark Coroner’s court was packed. It was standing room only, as the family of Sean Rigg, their supporters, lawyers and the press waited to hear the verdict.

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Digital initiatives for undocumented youth

A recent workshop, Undoc Camp, brought together migrant supporters, activists and lawyers with software developers and designers to help young migrants with irregular status.   ‘Who gave you permission to be here? Can I see your forms? You haven’t filled them in properly. You shouldn’t be here. Fill in this form. The one you’ve used is

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Middle England’s last stand

Protecting Middle England from invasive Travellers and Gypsies has become part of the Mail‘s proud stock in trade. 7 June 2012: Phil and Kathleen Lacey have to bulldoze their luxury home of twenty-five years, the Daily Mail reliably informs us, because they live next door to Travellers. The Laceys assure us that the Travellers ‘will

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Clearing Roma off the streets

The run-up to the Olympics has seen the Metropolitan Police and the London Evening Standard reinvigorate efforts to disperse homeless Roma from central London’s streets. On 17 July 2012, the Metropolitan Police Service announced a three-month pilot project to strengthen existing relationships with the Romanian police. This is the latest development in a drive to

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Press Release

The new geographies of racism: Peterborough

Research published today by the Institute of Race Relations shows that recently arrived migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation and xenophobic attacks. The new geographies of racism: Peterborough, focuses on a city which has experienced significant population change over the last decade, largely as a result of the expansion of the European Union and the

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IRR News 20-26 July 2012

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week the IRR’s Jon Burnett has been busy, analysing emerging trends in racially motivated violence and harassment from January – June 2012 and writing a blog for Open Democracy: ‘Abandoned to the far right’. We mark the start of the London 2012 Olympics with a review of a new resource that

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Spotlight on racial violence: January – June 2012

An overview of racial violence and harassment in the first six months of 2012. The Institute of Race Relations (IRR), which documents racist attacks, is now collating regular short briefings on emerging trends in racial violence throughout the UK. And the first six months of 2012 reveals a reality of routine abuse and harassment –

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Fair’s Fair: rights for workers and the London 2012 Olympics

Fair’s Fair, a new free educational resource by Playfair 2012, aims to raise awareness of the human rights abuses of workers who make sporting goods for the Olympics and other major sporting events. The Olympics aim to build a better world through sport.[1] However, what is often forgotten is how workers making sportswear and related

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Back to the future: racism still rules

An analysis of how, from April to July, both Tory and Labour politicians have with media help been carrying the torch for populist, nationalist ideas and repressive racist immigration policies. On BBC Newsnight on 22 June, Paul Mason, the programme’s economics editor, fresh from the barricades of Spain and Greece, and Gillian Tett, Washington editor

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