News Service

IRR News 22-28 March 2013

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, we report on Michael Gove’s latest proposals to change the history curriculum and Frances Webber has also written a post for CagePrisoners on the denial of citizenship. And we still have a few spaces left for the book launch hosted by Race & Class for Barbara Ransby’s book on

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IRR News 15-21 March 2013

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week we have articles on a new petition on joint enterprise laws and on new research that has found that black and minority ethnic children are far more likely to be excluded from school. In news from across the UK, Gary Dobson who was convicted of the racist murder of

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Calls to sign joint enterprise petition

Campaigners are calling for signatures on a new petition which calls on David Cameron to reform joint enterprise laws. A new petition by the campaigning group, Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association (JENGbA), calls on the prime minister to ‘Help get rid of the 300-year old law that is imprisoning our children’. According to the

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School exclusions show racial bias

A new report shows that black and minority ethnic children are far more likely to be permanently excluded from schools. The Office of the Children’s Commissioner has warned that schools are failing their Black and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils, among others. The findings are published in a report, They Go The Extra Mile, which

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IRR News 8-14 March 2013

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, A. Sivanandan continues his analysis of Miliband on ‘immigration’ policy and Jon Burnett reveals the hypocrisy behind recent Women’s Day celebrations. IRR News readers may also be interested in the launch of a new book on Eslanda Robeson being hosted by the IRR on 16 April in London (the

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Double standards on International Women’s Day

Rights for women extend only as far as the immigration and asylum system allows. When the first International Women’s Day was marked, in 1911, well over a million people demonstrated, campaigning for the right to vote, to end discrimination, to work, to be trained and to hold public office. Since then, its existence has steadily been popularised, to

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Miliband, migration and the market

IRR News continues its discussion with A. Sivanandan about Miliband’s policies. Have you changed your view in any way given Miliband’s party political broadcast and Yvette Cooper’s speech on 7 March? You seemed in December to have some hopes that Labour under Miliband might be somewhat more progressive. (Read the interview here: ‘Miliband’s progress?‘) No

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IRR News 1-7 March 2013

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, Jenny Bourne reports on a forthcoming book launch being hosted by Race & Class. Eslanda: the large and unconventional life of Mrs. Paul Robeson is written by Race & Class editorial working committee member and leading black feminist historian Barbara Ransby. Please note the event, which takes place on

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London Against Racism

A new oral history project on anti-racist activity in London wants to record the experiences of those active in anti-racist struggles. Eastside Community Heritage, an oral history charity, is recording and archiving oral history interviews with those involved in key anti-racist events such as the Battle of Lewisham and movements like the Rock Against Racism.

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Meet Eslanda

A meeting to launch the definitive biography of Mrs Paul Robeson written by a leading black American feminist. Barbara Ransby is pretty special. For she is an African-American who is also a feminist, also a historian, also on the Left and, most unusually, an academic who remains an activist. Part of her life’s work is

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