News Service


Liberating media

Filmmaker Ken Fero, of Migrant Media, examines the role of the media in documenting political struggle. ‘If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.’ Malcom X The power of film to document stories, inspire action and agitate for change has run hand in hand with revolutionary cells, social struggles and mass movements.

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Police accused of ‘botched’ counter-terror operation

Serious concerns have been raised about the conduct of counter-terrorism officers after the CPS dropped the remaining charges against the subject of a ‘hard stop’ operation in Woolwich last June.   Following the operation conducted by officers from SO15, the Met police’s Counter-Terrorism command, Husani Williams was arrested and charged with possession of a Class

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IRR News 3-9 January 2014

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, Frances Webber reviews the 2013 Atlas of Migration in Europe, explaining that it is a graphic portrayal of the causes, the mechanics and the deadly effects of European migration policies. Also, Captive Audience, a short, hard-hitting video made for Europe Roma International (ERI) can now be viewed online. It

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Captive Audience

A film on anti-Roma racism in the Czech Republic. A short (just under five minutes) but hard-hitting video which was made by Barbora Cernusakova and Phillip Lowman for Europe Roma International (ERI) to show at a parliamentary meeting on 28 October 2013 can now be viewed online. Captive Audience includes disturbing footage from a summer

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Mapping the war on the poor

A graphic portrayal of the causes, the mechanics and the deadly effects of European migration policies makes the 2013 Atlas of Migration in Europe[1] an indispensable resource. A picture is worth a thousand words. The truth of the aphorism, as applied to maps, is dramatically borne out by the Atlas, which is structured around four

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Press Release

Reading the Stockholm riots

The latest issue of Race & Class examines the 2013 ‘riots’ in Stockholm in the light of other recent urban rebellions. In the new issue of Race & Class, three distinguished academics from Sweden’s Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society  examine  the 2013 ‘riots’ in Sweden, comparing them to the August 2011 ‘riots’ in

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IRR News 13-20 December 2013

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week the IRR’s Jenny Bourne assesses ‘the cuddlification of Black revolutionaries’ and regular contributor John Grayson analyses David Blunkett’s comments on the Roma in Sheffield. And we have a seasonal article examining the meaning behind a much-loved Christmas carol. In news from across the UK, the Home Office has deported,

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Sheffield’s Roma, David Blunkett and an immoral racist panic[1]

We publish below reflections on the political and media furore surrounding Sheffield’s Roma by long-time South Yorkshire activist. ‘The best recipe for riots is for somebody to stand up and warn of riots.’ (Professor Yaron Matras on Channel 4 News 27 November 2013) On 11 November David Blunkett gave an interview to Radio Sheffield. In

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The cuddlification of Black revolutionaries

To erase the political bedrock of people’s beliefs from the telling of their history is to distort their life’s work. The rewriting of history and reputation to chime with what the white-media-middle-class is ‘comfortable’ with does not just apply to Nelson Mandela,[1] it has for some years been applied in this country to Black revolutionary

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