News Service

IRR News 23 May – 29 May 2014

Dear IRR News subscriber, In a week where extreme-right and anti-immigration parties have consolidated their presence in the European Parliament, we review two important reports on racial violence across Europe. The case studies provided by Amnesty International, Médecins du Monde and the Greek Council for Refugees are not only harrowing in themselves, but the way

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When the state is complicit in hate

Racist violence in Europe is sustained by cultures of impunity, as reports by Amnesty International, and Médecins du Monde and the Greek Council for Refugees make clear. Two reports published last month document in harrowing detail the reality and impact of racist violence across Europe, as well as its intensification against a backdrop of economic

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IRR News 16 May – 22 May 2014

Dear IRR News subscriber, Since 2010, the prisoners’ support group JENGbA has been campaigning to reform the legal doctrine of joint enterprise: a doctrine which, according to JENGbA, disproportionately impacts upon BME families. This week, we highlight a second call for evidence by the House of Commons Justice Committee on the use and impact of

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Second joint enterprise inquiry to examine impact on BME communities

The House of Commons Justice Committee is set to hold a further inquiry into joint enterprise. Since 2010 the prisoners’ support group JENGbA (Joint Enterprise – Not Guilty by Association) has been campaigning to reform the legal doctrine of joint enterprise, also known as common purpose. Joint enterprise allows for individuals who ‘knowingly assisted or

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IRR News 9 May – 15 May 2014

Dear IRR News subscriber, Last month, Barnardo’s published a report reflecting on the first two years of Cedars – the ‘pre-departure accommodation’ for families set to be removed from the UK within which the organisation has safeguarding responsibility. As Frances Webber argues, Barnardo’s reflection on its involvement in Cedars ‘raises once again the problem of

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The fading red line: Barnardo’s role in the detention and removal of children

Barnardo’s reflection on its first two years at Cedars ‘pre-departure accommodation’ raises once again the problem of NGOs working to a state agenda. When, in the wake of the coalition’s ‘abolition’ of child detention in 2010, Barnardo’s announced its participation in the Home Office’s new ‘family-friendly pre-departure accommodation’ to be managed by G4S, it ignited

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No formal apology from Liddle or the Spectator

On Wednesday 14 May 2014, the Traveller Movement protested outside the offices of the Spectator. Last October, Spectator columnist Rod Liddle asked his readers ‘what do you call travellers when they are no longer travelling’, in preparation for the speculated New Year’s flood of Romanian and Bulgarian Roma, which never came. ‘It still seems to

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IRR News 2 May – 8 May 2014

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, Aisha Maniar shows how a recent parliamentary seminar to launch a new publication on the plight of political dissidents and refugees also drew attention to Europe’s complicity, via asylum policy and extradition requests, in repression in the Commonwealth of Independent States. We also publish a factfile of deaths that

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Deaths in immigration detention: 1989-2017

Below we list all deaths that have taken place in immigration removal and short-term holding centres since 1989; we also list those who have died shortly after release from immigration detention. There have been thirty-four deaths in immigration removal centres since 1989; three women and the rest men. Harmondsworth detention centre accounts for nine deaths; five

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Exile from the CIS: when persecution crosses borders

A parliamentary seminar to launch a new publication on the plight of political dissidents and refugees also drew attention to Europe’s complicity, via asylum policy and extradition requests, in repression in the Commonwealth of Independent States. A new publication by the Foreign Policy Centre, Shelter from the Storm? The asylum, refugee and extradition situation facing

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