
Back to the future: racism still rules

An analysis of how, from April to July, both Tory and Labour politicians have with media help been carrying the torch for populist, nationalist ideas and repressive racist immigration policies. On BBC Newsnight on 22 June, Paul Mason, the programme’s economics editor, fresh from the barricades of Spain and Greece, and Gillian Tett, Washington editor

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How long is indefinite?

A screening of the documentaries, ‘How long is indefinite?’ and ‘Hamedullah: the road home’, with a Q & A session with the filmmakers. Tuesday 24 July 2012, 7pm 93 Feet East Bar, 150 Brick Lane, London E1 6QL Related links How long is indefinite? Hamedullah: the road home NCADC

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A new film is fully focussed on the riots

On 5 July, Fully Focused Productions’ one-hour documentary Riot from Wrong premiered as part of the East End Film Festival at the Rio Cinema, Dalston, just a few miles down the road from Tottenham police station, where the riots began nearly one year ago. At least four hundred, mainly young, people from the Fully Focused

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The Justice and Security Bill will diminish accountability

A bill currently going through parliament threatens to close off justice from those at the sharp end of policing by extending secret evidence to civil proceedings. On the face of it, the provisions of the Justice and Security Bill appear eminently reasonable. In civil proceedings (such as claims for damages), judges must withhold evidence from

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Community of solidarity

The Black, Irish, Muslim, Gypsy and Traveller experience of policing was discussed at a two-day symposium. Earlier this month, campaigning lawyers, scholar activists and community campaigners, from some of the most marginalised communities in England and the North of Ireland, came together at the Bernie Grant Arts Centre in Tottenham to analyse the ‘joined-up state’

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Plastic bullets: fuel for racial tensions?

Prompted by fears that during last summer’s riots, British police forces were preparing to use plastic bullets, activists from Tottenham joined members of parliament and a delegation from the North of Ireland at a recent Westminster press conference to denounce their deployment. Last month, the Metropolitan police confirmed that since the August 2011 riots its

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Plastic bullets cannot further ‘the cause of peace’

Below we reproduce the statement by Clara Reilly of the United Campaign Against Plastic Bullets from the North of Ireland who addressed a press conference on how the ‘use of plastic bullets will fuel racial tensions’. ‘In situations of conflict, security forces around the world have developed various methods of controlling and suppressing legitimate political

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The second annual Corin Redgrave memorial event

A panel discussion entitled: ‘An Audit of Human Rights’. Saturday 30 June 2012, 2-4.30pm Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ Speakers include: Massoud Shadjareh – Islamic Human Rights Commission Ashfaq Ahmad – Free Babar Ahmad campaign Frances Webber – a lawyer specialising in immigration and human rights Harmit Athwal – Institute of

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Theresa May and punitive populism

The home secretary’s latest immigration proposals will restrict migrants’ family life in the UK, make it contingent on income, language and integration tests and on continuing good behaviour. On 10 June, the coalition’s latest attempt to redeem its rash election promise to reduce net migration to below 100,000 was unveiled on TV’s Andrew Marr show.

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