
‘The time is here to be seized’

My conversation with Colin was recorded in 2011. But I have been given the chance to update some of those ideas for this event on 18 April 2015.  Neoliberalism is not working. All that stuff, about wealth trickling down, no society only individuals, the market as the regulator of everything, is shown to be false

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Peace of Mind – fundraising concert

A fundraising concert with The Crossings Band and Pikey Beatz in aid of Peace in Mind.  Sunday 10 May 2015, 7-11pm World Headquarters Club, Curtis Mayfield House, Carliol Square, East Pilgrim Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 6UF Related links Facebook event listing Peace of Mind

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Reclaim Brixton

A gathering to reclaim Brixton. Saturday 25 April 2015, 12-3pm Windrush Square, London  SW2 1JQ Related links Facebook event listing Reclaim Brixton

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Press Release

Racist violence and British nationalism in Northern Ireland

The April 2015 issue of Race & Class argues that Northern Ireland’s BAME communities have been living the peace process in reverse. In 1971 British Home Secretary Reginald Maudling suggested that the situation in Northern Ireland amounted to ‘an acceptable level of violence’. During ‘the Troubles’, this became the de facto security policy of successive British governments

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Dream to Change the World exhibition

An exhibition on the life and legacy of John La Rose.  Friday 22 May to Saturday 29 August 2015 Islington Museum, 245 St. John Street, London EC1V 4NB Related links George Padmore Institute Download a flyer here (pdf file, 3.9mb)

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Calendar of racism and resistance (27 March – 9 April 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Extreme-Right politics 29 March: In the second round of French local elections, the Front National wins 22 per cent of the vote, securing 62 council seats. (In 2011, it won just one.) However it failed to take control

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Putting the ethics back into freedom of expression

The social landscape in which we practise our freedoms is highly volatile. Can we afford to be reckless? After the massacres in 2011 by the racist terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, ‘we’ were all, briefly, Norwegian. It was a gesture of sympathy for the blameless casualties and solidarity for those suffering their loss. As with many

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Looking for Claudia Jones

The TUC Race Relations Committee in association with Blackstock films presents a screening of ‘Looking for Claudia Jones’ followed by a panel discussion. Friday 17 April 2015, 7-9pm TUC Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS Panel members: Nia Reynolds (director) Donald Hinds James Fairweather Diane Langford Corrine Skinner Carter The film documents the influence of

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Catch history on the wing, buy your advance copy now!

A new film of A. Sivanandan, in conversation with Colin Prescod, entitled Catching History on the Wing will have its premiere at an event on 18 April and copies are now available for sale.  A. Sivanandan is best known as a key thinker, writer and activist on racism and imperialism, the founder editor of Race

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‘Where was our independence?’ The persistent questions about the IPCC’s Mark Duggan investigation

Last week the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) report into the death of Mark Duggan exonerated the officers involved – and was immediately condemned by the family as a ‘whitewash’. IRR News analyses previously unreleased internal documents that shed new light on the IPCC’s investigation in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. Documents released under

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