
‘Dangerous’ Casey, failing and blaming victims

A number of experts comment on the recently published ‘Casey Review: A review into opportunity and integration’. Dr Waqas Tufail: ‘Erroneous, misguided and dangerous’ The Casey Review represents the latest attempt by the state to intervene in the lives of British Muslims. The findings reached by Louise Casey are not new, original or surprising –

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Press Release

Racial violence and the Brexit state

In a pioneering study published today, the IRR takes a fresh look at the nature of racial hate crimes since the referendum. Through a detailed examination of cases on the IRR’s unique database it establishes a link between the language and behaviour of perpetrators of such violence, the rhetoric and policy pronouncements of politicians over

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Calendar of racism and resistance (11-24 November 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 12 November: Local council leaders criticise the government for failing to place young refugee children with them despite a national transfer scheme being in place. (Guardian, 12 November 2016) 14 November: Three 16-year-old Afghan asylum

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Rotherham 12: the jury finds defendants not guilty

Below we reproduce a statement made by the Rotherham 12 Campaign following not guilty verdicts on 16 November. We want to thank the jury for delivering resounding Not Guilty verdicts for all the defendants in this case. The verdicts are a game changer, and they will have immediate and long term consequences for race relations

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Calendar of racism and resistance (28 October – 10 November 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 25 October: The Court of Appeal rules against the Home Office in a test case brought by a foreign student facing deportation on the basis of hearsay evidence on English language testing. (Migrants’ Rights Network,

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Interview with Schools ABC

Below we interview members of a new campaign, Schools ABC, set up to resist the encroachment of border controls in schools. What is the Schools ABC campaign? What were the concerns that led you to set it up? The Against Borders for Children campaign started with two aims – to stop the Department for Education

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 Our Rights. Our Entitlements. Your Duty!

The Traveller Movement’s national annual 2016 conference. Thursday 24 November 2016, 9.30-4pm Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA Speakers include: Kate Green MP – Labour Party, former Shadow Equalities Minister Paul Giannasi – Police Superintendent and Manager of the UK Government Hate Crime Programme Lord Herman Ouseley – Equality and diversity expert

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