Our Rights. Our Entitlements. Your Duty!

 Our Rights. Our Entitlements. Your Duty!

The Traveller Movement’s national annual 2016 conference.

  • Thursday 24 November 2016, 9.30-4pm
  • Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA

Speakers include:

  • Kate Green MP Labour Party, former Shadow Equalities Minister
  • Paul Giannasi – Police Superintendent and Manager of the UK Government Hate Crime Programme
  • Lord Herman Ouseley – Equality and diversity expert
  • Graham Ritchie – Head of Policy Children’s Commissioner for England Office
  • Vicki Stewart – Head of Achievement and Disadvantage Unit, Department for Education
  • Jo Luhman – Deputy Head Teacher of Ash Manor Secondary School
  • PC Jim Davies – Former Chair of the Gypsy, Roma Traveller Police Association
  • Lisa Smith – community member & GTR Education Consultant
  • Chair: Pauline Anderson – TM Trustee

Workshops include:

  • Hate Crime: how to recognise and report hate crime against the GTR communities
  • Exclusion and inclusion of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children
  • Access to justice
  • Media

Related links

The Traveller Movement

Book a place here

There is a limited number of free places available for Travellers (TM members). Please contact the office.