
Two years on and no justice for Jimmy Mubenga

Next week, anti-G4S campaigners will mark the two years since the death of Jimmy Mubenga during a forced deportation on 12 October 2010. Jimmy Mubenga, an Angolan father of five, died on a British Airways plane at Heathrow after he was restrained by three guards from G4S, which was contracted to carry out ‘escorting’ (deportations)

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Day of action for Jimmy Mubenga

Anti-G4S campaigners are holding a day of action to mark the two-year anniversary of the death of Jimmy Mubenga. Friday 12 October 2012 Crown Prosecution Service, Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HS, 11-1pm. G4S UK & Ireland head office, 105 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QT, 2-4pm. Related links Download a flyer for the

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Facing the Abyss

A recent conference presented the challenges facing separated children seeking asylum as they turn 18. The  conference, organised by the Royal Holloway and the Tavistock and Portman NHS on 19 September, brought together lawyers, teachers, mental health workers, social workers, refugee organisations and young asylum seekers to share their knowledge and experiences and to establish

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Black History Month 2012

A selection of events taking place during October in celebration of Black History Month 2012. Glasgow Black History Month – a wide range of talks, musical performances, exhibitions and more. More information here. London Black History listings – film screenings, talks, debates, book readings, performances and more. More information here. Manchester Black History Month –

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Press Release

Radicalism and radicalisation

In the latest issue of Race & Class, Arun Kundnani analyses the concept of Muslim radicalisation now central in the counter-terrorism industry while Ashley Lavelle charts Eldridge Cleaver’s journey from radical ‘Soul on Ice’ to renegade ‘Soul for Hire’. The October 2012 issue of Race & Class explores radicalism and radicalisation. Kundnani’s ‘Radicalisation: the journey

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Stop G4S Convergence

Next weekend Sheffield will witness a Convergence of activists campaigning against the many faces of G4S. The Convergence has been called by organisations campaigning against the activities of G4S and aims to plan how to build a more effective Stop G4S campaign. Supported and endorsed by the Boycott Israel Network, Corporate Watch, Dundee Trades Council,

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Poetry prize for Talha Ahsan

From a prison cell, Talha Ahsan, fighting extradition to the US, has produced award-winning poetry. Talha Ahsan is already know as a formidable poet as well as one of the men fighting unjust extradition to the US because of the location of a computer server. Recognition of his talent came this month from the Koestler Trust

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Collectively opposing stop and search

A collective of sixteen organisations has launched a campaign against current stop and search policy. The groups have sent an open letter to Home Office ministers Theresa May and Nick Herbert, and Bernard Hogan-Howe (the present Commissioner of the Metropolitan police). It highlights the racially discriminatory character of the implementation of recent stop and search

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FA must lead in tackling racism

Below we reproduce a statement from Kick It Out in response to the findings of a report by the Commons’ Culture, Media and Sport (CMS) select committee. With the One Game, One Community weeks of action beginning a month today, the CMS Select Committee has announced more needs to be done to tackle discrimination in

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Express attacks EU migrants

The Daily Express’ goes on the attack against EU migrants who are destitute (and therefore criminal) or housed (and therefore benefit cheats). Last week saw the Daily Express carry on its crusade against migration from the EU, in two front-page stories aiming to show that EU migrants are criminal, and taking advantage of an easily-manipulated

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