Fortnightly Bulletin

War, borders and civilisational racism

IRR News 16 February – 2 March 2022 At least one million people have now fled Ukraine, but the response of the British government to their situation has been shameful. Not surprisingly, the fallout for the UK and Europe from the brutal Russian invasion and bombing of Ukraine dominates our regular calendar of racism and

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Observing injustice?

  A member of the NHS Confederation’s BME Leadership Network warns that ‘race reductionism’ and the ‘inverse care law’ may well prevent the implementation of changes demanded by the recent review of ethnic inequalities in health provision. The recent report of the Race and Health Observatory rapid review of ethnic inequalities in healthcare[i] describes significant

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (2 – 16 February 2022)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM | MIGRATION | BORDERS | CITIZENSHIP Asylum and migrant rights 1 February: The Norwegian authorities finally grant permanent residence to 19-year-old Mustafa Hasan, stating that the immigration agency and the appeals commissions had not adequately considered the

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (19 January – 2 February 2022)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM | MIGRATION | BORDERS | CITIZENSHIP Asylum and migrant rights 19 January: The High Court rules that Home Office procedures for conducting fast-track age assessment of newly-arrived asylum seekers, involving detention of young people and without established

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Press Release

Beyond racial capitalism, towards eco-socialist futures

  The January 2022 issue of Race & Class includes key interventions that seek to understand the workings of racial capitalism, digital colonialism and the ecological devastation they wreak, as well as crucial insights on ways out of the ‘global organic crisis’. Cedric Robinson’s thesis of racial capitalism is arguably one of the most crucial

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Human Rights as Privileges

  The measures proposed in the consultation on reform of the Human Rights Act are not merely an ‘unashamed power grab’ by a government seeking to put itself above the law, but in seeking to deny rights to ‘undeserving’ groups, they deny the universality of human rights and entrench a nationalistic and divisive political culture.

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (5 – 19 January 2022)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM | MIGRATION | BORDERS | CITIZENSHIP Asylum and migrant rights 2 January: The Independent reveals that the Home Office paid Hong-Kong-based ‘migration behaviour change’ company Seefar £700,000 between 2016 and 2018 to dissuade Afghans from leaving the

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Equalities, free expression and ‘war on woke’

RIGHTS AS PRIVILEGES, DESERVED INEQUALITY Free expression – for some The one right to be afforded special protection under the Bill of Rights proposals is freedom of expression, seen as quintessentially British and undermined by ‘continental-style privacy rules and the incremental narrowing of the scope for respectful but rumbunctious debate in politically sensitive areas’ according

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Fortnightly Bulletin

IRR News (6 – 20 January 2022)

Impunity Entrenched This week, a beleaguered Boris Johnson administration reacted to calls for his resignation by announcing it will defund Britain’s public broadcaster and further militarise the Franco-British border. With many speculating it is a matter of when, not if, Johnson falls, it is important to recognise that such populist policies, launched to placate the

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Ministerial impunity and the rule of law

  The protections granted to and proposed for police and immigration officials are mirrored by the extensive use of legislation by regulation, which minimises Parliamentary scrutiny, reducing political accountability for ministers; legislation which reduces the role of the courts and of judicial review in ensuring legal accountability; proposals to criminalise investigative journalists and whistle-blowers, reducing

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