Press Release

A celebratory offer from Race & Class

Looking for a Christmas gift? This month, the IRR offers Catching History on the Wing for a discounted price, plus a free issue of Race & Class relating to the work of A. Sivanandan, in celebration of his ninetieth birthday.  The IRR is offering for £10 (plus P&P) Catching History on the Wing, a collection

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Redbridge Equalities and Community Council AGM

The AGM of the Redbridge Equalities and Community Council with a talk on the work of the IRR. Thursday 28 November 2013, 7.30pm Gants Hill United Reformed Church, 39 Woodford Avenue, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex IG2 6UH Speaker: Harmit Athwal – Editor, IRR News RELATED LINKS Redbridge Equalities and Community Council

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No going back for the Roma

A review of the Migrant Roma in the UK research report. The title, Migrant Roma in the UK: population size and experiences of local authorities and partners, may make this report by three University of Salford academics sound dry, but this is both a necessary report and a prescient political intervention.  In 2011, the EU

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Press Release

Fighting for truth and justice

The latest edition of Race & Class includes Professor Phil Scraton’s account about the fight for truth around the Hillsborough Disaster of 1989. Last year, the Hillsborough Independent Panel released its findings into the Hillsborough tragedy that cost ninety-six people their lives, in which it catalogued an institutional cover-up that denied the voice of the

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Stop sponging off migrants!

A demonstration to highlight how little tax the company that owns the ‘Daily Express’ pays in the UK and to protest against its demonisation of migrants. Monday 23 September 2013, 5.30pm 10 Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6EN  

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Campaign to save the Public Sector Equality Duty

Groups have been fighting to prevent the government from watering down or dispensing altogether with the one part of the law which allows us to challenge institutional discrimination. Following the Macpherson recommendations, the 2000 Race Relations Amendment Act introduced a duty on public bodies to promote equality and the need to assess policy in terms

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The shameful ‘Go Home’ campaign

The rhetoric on migrants shows how politicians and the media have created, and embedded, racism in British politics. Recent controversy over the Home Office ’Go Home’ campaign on ‘illegal’ immigrants highlights the way in which politicians try to outdo each other to win over the ‘racist’ electorate in Britain – an electorate they and the

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Precarious lives

Asylum seekers’ experiences of forced labour are documented in an important new report. Not much is known about those subjected to forced labour in the UK. Working in a labour market that, by design, is exploitative, abusive, secretive and violent (threatened or realised), their existence is frequently ignored. And, but for the work of investigative

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Battling against the odds

A combination of documentary and theatre in north London looks at twenty-first century poverty from the point of view of those experiencing it. Lost Nation, by Red Room Productions, explores the human cost of the government’s politics of austerity. Beginning with a short film, local Brent residents explain in detail the realities of low wage

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