
Meritocracy is a Mirage: An interview with Joy White

IRR’s Jessica Perera interviews academic Joy White about her 2020 ethnographic book Terraformed: Young Black Lives in the Inner City, which reads as a telling riposte to the recent Commission for Race and Ethnic Disparities (CRED) report. Commentators have argued that the approach behind the CRED report brings to mind a league-table[1], where points are

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (6 – 20 May 2021)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM, MIGRATION, BORDERS & CITIZENSHIP Asylum and migrant rights 13 May: The Home Office is asked to extend the consultation period on its planned immigration reforms, which ran concurrently with the devolved nations’ parliamentary elections, leaving those nations

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (April 22 – 6 May 2021)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM AND MIGRATION Asylum and migrant rights 22 April: Eight leading law firms join the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants to offer free advice to Windrush scandal victims after the revelation that in two years, fewer

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Calendar of racism and resistance (8-22 April 2021)

  A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM AND MIGRATION Asylum and migrant rights 7 April: An inquest into the suicide of 19-year-old Eritrean refugee Mulubrhane Medhane Kfleyosus in 2019, the fourth suicide in his friendship group in 16 months, concludes authorities failed to

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Press Release

From Camus to Covid-19

  The April 2021 issue contains important insights on Covid-19, the marginalisation of indigenous groups in Argentina and the lived experiences of half-widows in Kashmir.     Covid-19 intensifies other social catastrophes, feeding on the ruins of structural inequality and the racism that condemns the marginalised to loss of agency, social apartheid and disposability, argues

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Calendar of racism and resistance (25 March – 8 April 2021)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ELECTORAL AND PARTY POLITICS 25 March: The French interior minister asks the European Commission to revoke the funding of community organisation Alliance Citoyenne, which gained prominence through civil disobedience actions against the burkini ban in 2019, on the

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Remembering Nina Mühe

The IRR is saddened to hear of the death of our friend and colleague Nina Mühe. Nina had worked with IRR since 2007. She contributed to our 2008 report Integration, Islamophobia and Civil Rights in Europe and in 2010 co-authored, with me and Naima Bouteldja, the report Alternative Voices of Integration, writing the country reports

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (12 – 25 March 2021)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM AND MIGRATION Asylum and migrant rights 12 March: The Danish country coordinator for the EC’s website on migration accuses the Social Democrat coalition government of drifting towards the far Right, citing its recent decision to revoke the

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Race & Class Blog

Cuba and Pan-Africanism – recovering historical moments

The author argues that the ideas of Marcus Garvey, Walter Rodney and Bob Marley provide ideologically connecting points in the assessment of cross-cultural connections between Cuba and the Caribbean. It was, for many years, post-Revolution, taboo to discuss ‘colour’ in Cuba. Fighting for a socialism to end poverty, ill-health and ignorance, against a backdrop of

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Press Release

Roots of Racism is now free to download

  In response to the increasing demand from young students to re-evaluate Britain’s true ‘Island Story’ and the growing politicised opposition to the objective (re)telling of slavery and colonialism, we are delighted to release a digital version of our pioneering educational booklet, ‘Roots of Racism’ for free download. Originally published almost forty years ago, the intention

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