
Tackling racism through education

At a time when anti-racism in education is often being reduced to ‘cultural awareness’ projects, Show Racism the Red Card’s direct tackling of racism is welcome.  In the early 1980s, the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) produced a series of educational booklets on racism in Britain starting from the premise that, at that time, the

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Medical Justice training day

A one day course for medics who visit or assist immigration detainees. Saturday 29 March 2014 10.30am-5.30pm Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ RELATED LINKS Full details on the Medical Justice website

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Family campaigns – fighting every step of the way

The saying goes that time heals all wounds. The families of Cherry Groce and Jimmy Mubenga would probably disagree. Cherry Groce Last week, it was announced on Channel 4 News, that the Met police had made public their 2013 apology to the family of Cherry Groce, who was shot and paralysed during a police raid

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Press Release

Taking a stand for human dignity

This week, IRR News teams up with the Border Crossing Observatory at Monash University, Melbourne, and with the International State Crime Initiative (ISCI) at Kings College, London, to bring new insights and an international perspective to bear on the Global North’s callous mistreatment of asylum seekers and refugees. Spanish civil guards shoot rubber bullets at

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The globalisation of indifference

The director of the Institute of Race Relations calls for the arts to take a stand for human dignity. Europe is divided, split between its image of itself as the continent of the Enlightenment and humanitarian values, and its shadow-image as the ‘Fortress Europe’ which sets its face like flint against migrants and refugees. In

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‘No one can be left without hope’: Breathing life into global action for asylum seekers

Australia’s inhuman anti-asylum policies may survive the many protests at Reza Berati’s offshore detention death, but change can come through global solidarity in pursuit of justice for asylum seekers, says Leanne Weber of the Border Crossing Observatory at Monash University.  On 23 February Melbourne’s Federation Square filled with people who had come to commemorate the

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Death at Europe’s frontiers: foreseeable result of state policy?

European states are morally responsible for deaths at the EU’s borders, argues the International State Crime Initiative. ‘This is the main feature of contemporary border politics. It exposes the border transgressors to death rather than directly using its power to kill.’ Khosravi (2010), ‘Illegal’ Traveller: an auto-ethnography of borders (p. 27) On 6 February, fifteen

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Public lecture on migrants, the media and the law

A public lecture hosted by the Haldane Society on how the political and media demonisation of migrants affects the rule of law. Thursday 13 March 2014, 6.30pm University of Law, 14 Store Street, London WC1E 7DE Speakers include: Frances Webber – honorary Vice-President of the Haldane Society and Vice Chair of the IRR Jon Burnett – assistant

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Law overridden to penalise refugees

Fifteen years after the High Court condemned the prosecution of refugees for using false documents in their quest for a place of safety and parliament provided a statutory defence, they are still being wrongly convicted and sent to prison. The 1951 Refugee Convention is quite clear: penalties must not be imposed on refugees (including asylum

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