Revolutionary Britain: art, power and politics

A night of artwork and discussion followed by a day of film screenings and political discussion on fighting racism and imperialism. Friday 16 January, 6-9pm, Saturday 17 January, 12-6pm. Harts Lane Studios, 17 Harts Lane, New Cross Gate, London SE14 5UP Activities include: Screenings of Burn by Migrant Media (2014) as well as two short

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Campaign first, grieve later

A campaigner for Justice for Jimmy Mubenga recalls how his widow, Adrienne Makenda Kambana, was thrust into a campaign for justice.  This week, when a jury at the Old Bailey found three G4S guards not guilty of the manslaughter of Jimmy Mubenga on board a plane at Heathrow on 12 October 2010, few thought of the

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Press Release

Hidden despair: The deaths of foreign national prisoners

A new IRR briefing paper examines the deaths of foreign national prisoners in the UK. Hidden despair: The deaths of foreign national prisoners, by IRR vice-chair Frances Webber, examines recent suicides of foreign national prisoners in the UK, showing how the prison regime exacerbates the risk of self-harm and suicide through despair. A full report

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Calendar of racism and resistance (12 – 23 December 2014)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Extreme-right politics 12 December: Four English Defence League (EDL) supporters are jailed for a total of over six years after violence during an EDL demonstration in Birmingham city centre in July 2013, described by the judge as ‘plainly

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Press Release

Justice blindfolded? The case of Jimmy Mubenga

Following the acquittal  on 16 December of the G4S guards charged with the manslaughter of  Jimmy Mubenga, IRR vice-chair Frances Webber focuses on the judge’s decision to rule inadmissible evidence pointing to endemic racism within G4S. After the acquittal of the guards charged with Jimmy Mubenga’s manslaughter, the judge told the jurors not to be

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Calendar of racism and resistance (28 November – 11 December 2014)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Policing & criminal justice 27 November: Judge Richard Hollingworth resigns as district judge after making racist comments about Asians while hearing a harassment case. He does not resign as immigration judge until a few days later. (Guardian, 7

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Selling the tolerant nation

The emphasis in British Future’s recent report on How to talk about immigration appears to take us back to outmoded and discredited arguments about measuring tolerance and attitudes. Way back in 1970, the unreformed policy-oriented Institute of Race Relations heralded the arrival of a new folk hero. ‘The psychology of race relations’, its researcher proclaimed,

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International Migrants Day

A free event to celebrate International Migrants Day with migrants’ art, film, poetry, dance and music.  Thursday 18 December 2014, 6-9pm University of Westminster, Regent Street Campus, 309 Regent Street, London W1B 2UW Events include: Screenings of The Faces of Our Cities – Stories of Migration: Past and Present (2013) and Yurik (2010) Spoken word artists Performance by

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Home Office protest

A protest at the Home Office on International Migrants Day. Thursday 18 December 2014, 6.30pm Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF Related links Facebook event listing

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Calendar of racism and resistance (14 – 27 November 2014)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum seekers and refugees 14 November: It is revealed that an unnamed language analyst working for Swedish firm Sprakab, is a convicted drug smuggler whose expert reports have been used to refuse asylum to hundreds in the UK.

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