Fighting immigration raids in London

Hear accounts from those fighting against raids and discuss resistance. Sunday 15 May 2016, 6-11pm The Field, 385 Queens Road, London SE14 5HD Related links Anti Raids Network View a flyer here

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Symposium on ‘the refugee crisis’

A symposium seeking to contest Eurocentric assumptions behind ‘the refugee crisis’. Thursday, 12 May 2016, 5-7.30pm City Campus, University of Brighton, Boardroom, M2, Grand Parade, Brighton BN2 0JY Speakers: Frances Webber – Vice-chair, Institute of Race Relations Nicholas de Genova – King’s College London Andrew Arsan – University of Cambridge Louise Purbrick – University of Brighton

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The annual general meeting of the South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG). Thursday 12 May 2016, 7-9pm Quaker Meeting House, 10 St James’ Street, Sheffield S1 2EW Related links South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG)

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National Day of Action Against Detention Centres

Actions across the UK in a national day of action against detention centres. Saturday 7 May 2016 Brook House & Tinsley House, 3pm Colnbrook & Harmondsworth, 10-6pm (Assemble at SOAS at 10am) The Verne, from 12.45-1.45pm (bring things to make noise) and from 2.15pm in the town. Yarl’s Wood, from 6pm (including film projection, lights

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The fourth London Radical Bookfair 2016

The London Radical Bookfair is a gathering of progressive readers, thinkers and doers in a celebration of radical publishing and politics. Saturday 7 May 2016, 12-6pm Goldsmiths Great Hall, Goldsmiths, University of London, New Cross London SE14 6NW Related links Facebook event listing London Radical Bookfair      

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Calendar of racism and resistance (8 – 21 April 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 8 April: A 7-year-old Afghan boy is rescued from the back of a lorry on the M1 with fourteen other migrants after sending an SOS text message saying that he was having difficulty breathing. (BBC

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Migrant Solidarity Network (North) launch

Launch event of of the new Migrant Solidarity Network (North) for groups working for refugee and migrant rights. Saturday 30 April 2016, 11-5pm The Star & Shadow Cinema, Newcastle NE1 2NP Groups include: Beyond Borders Tyneside Manchester Migrant Solidarity South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group Right to Remain Related links Facebook event listing Beyond Borders Tyneside

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Calendar of racism and resistance (25 March – 7 April 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 8 March: Caritas Europa publishes: Migrants and refugees have rights! Impact of EU policies on accessing protection. Download the report here. 15 March: Refugee Rights publishes a report: The Long Wait: Filling the data gaps

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The inversion of accountability

While the government increasingly treats human rights as optional and legal accountability for its actions as undesirable, it demands more and more accountability from citizens in the policing of migrants and ‘extremists’.  What does democratic accountability entail? At a minimum, we expect our government to comply with fundamental human rights norms and with the rule

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Interpreting services within immigration removal centres

Demonstration at Yarl's Wood in March 2016 (© Aisha Maniar)

The lack of trained interpreters inside immigration detention exacerbates fear, mistrust and depression and has contributed to a number of deaths. The Stephen Shaw Review into the Welfare in Detention of Vulnerable Persons in Britain’s immigration detention estate, published in January 2016, is the latest in a long line of reports that make recommendations to

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