Screening of Hamedullah

A screening of a documentary, Hamedullah: the road home and a panel discussion on child deportations to Afghanistan. Monday 28 May 2012, 7-8.30pm The Roundhouse Studio Theatre, Chalk Farm Road, London NW1 8EH Related Links NCADC London International Documentary Festival

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UKBA contempt for torture survivors

The government routinely breaches its own policies by detaining torture survivors, according to a report published this week by Medical Justice. Eleven years ago, a set of rules governing the detention of people for immigration purposes was published. Among them was the innocuous-sounding Rule 35, stating (among other things) that torture survivors should never be

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Death and deportation in Holland

An asylum seeking father’s suicide in Holland for the sake of his children has highlighted the growing local-national divide over the deportation of children. On 9 April 2012, Alain Hatungimana, a 36-year-old Burundian facing deportation with his two children, took his own life in a desperate attempt to prevent his children’s removal. Fourteen-year-old Abdillah and

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The Cheering Rain

The launch of a book of poetry, The Cheering Rain,  by Kate Adams. Wednesday 9 May 2012, 7.30pm Whitstable Labour Club, Belmont Road, Canterbury CT5 1QW Event includes: A short film about Dover Immigration Removal Centre by Levi Roberts and Jess Dadds Chris Weller – Activist Catherine Carpenter – Kent Law Clinic   Related links Kent

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The AGM of Manchester based Refugee and Asylum Seeker Participatory Action Research (RAPAR). Friday 18 May 2012, 6pm Friends Meeting House, Room 1, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS  Related links RAPAR

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Migrant Voice conference

Migrant Voice’s second annual conference examining public attitudes and media representation of migrants. Friday 11 May 2012 (12-6pm) and Saturday 12 May 2012 (9-2.30pm) Amnesty International, The Human Rights Action Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EA Speakers include: Heaven Crawley – Swansea University Scott Blinder – Migration Observatory Aine O’Brien – FOMACS Donn

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Refugee rights workshop

A skillshare event around the asylum housing campaign, resisting the evictions in Scotland. Saturday 12 May 2012, 10-4pm Kinning Park Complex, 43 Corwall Street, Glasgow G41 1BA Related links Download a flyer here (pdf file, 276kb) National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns

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Judge brands detention irrational, unlawful and degrading

Another High Court judge rebukes the UK Border Agency for its detention of mentally ill foreign offenders. On 17 April, Mr Justice Singh QC ruled that the detention by the UK Border Agency (UKBA) of a Nigerian offender was unlawful[1] after a psychiatrist said the man urgently needed proper assessment in a mental hospital, four

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Justice for sale: chaos in the courts

At the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), ‘privatisation’ seems to equate nicely with ‘efficient public services’. From private-run jails to forensic services, the justice system is up for grabs, without mention of the government’s current plans for secret courts or the Legal Aid bill working its way through parliament right now. Last summer, legal interpreting services

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Protest against asylum evictions

Rally and protest against the enforced homelessness of asylum seekers and refugees  in Glasgow. Saturday 21 April 2012, 11am UKBA offices, Brand Street, Govan, Glasgow G51 1DH  

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