
Gladiator Games

An important play about racism in British prisons opens tonight in London. Gladiator Games is playwright Tanika Gupta’s dramatic investigation of the murder of 19-year-old Feltham inmate Zahid Mubarek by his racist white cellmate Robert Stewart in March 2000. Based on testimony given at the Mubarek inquiry, as well as Gupta’s own interviews, it is

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Racial violence after 7 July – week 13

Incidents of racial violence and harassment over the last two weeks 4 October 2005: Police arrest three people on suspicion of perverting the course of justice in connection with the murder of Black teenager Anthony Walker in Huyton, Merseyside. (BBC News 4.10.05) 30 September 2005: The Inquiry into the racist murder of Zahid Mubarek at

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Racial violence after 7 July – week 11

Incidents of racial violence and harassment in this, the eleventh week since the London bombings. 21 September 2005: 31-year-old Gareth Lukey admits racially aggravated disorderly conduct after forcing an Asian businessman staying at the same hotel as Lukey to empty out his luggage, while accusing him of hiding a bomb, just days after the London

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Racial violence after 7 July – week 10

Incidents of racial violence and harrasment in this, the tenth week since the London bombings. 15 September 2005: Glasgow Herald reports that a Methodist church in Edinburgh has been targeted by racists because the church enjoys a ‘close relationship’ with a local mosque. Defaced Islamic literature was pushed through the letterbox and racist graffiti was

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Racial Justice Sunday supports Dale Farm Travellers

Dale Farm residents, who face the bulldozing of their homes by a Tory council, led a procession through St Paul’s Cathedral on 11 September, marking London’s 10th Racial Justice Sunday. Flanked by Polish, Czech and Bulgarian Roma, along with members of the Peace & Progress Party, Dale Farm chairman Richard Sheridan told a rally outside

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Round-up of racial violence

The Institute of Race Relations’ research over the nine weeks since the London bombings shows that racially motivated attacks are a daily occurrence and many appear, through the use of offensive language, to be a consequence of the bombings. Though much of the harassment has been ‘low-level’, the effects of such sustained and targeted attacks

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Round-up of racial violence

Eight weeks after the London bombings racial violence attacks are still on the rise. 31 August 2005: BBC News reports that international students at Nottingham University are scared to go out after Om Prakass Malik suffers serious facial injuries in an attack by two White men shouting racist abuse. (BBC News 31.8.05) 30 August 2005:

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The racist backlash goes on…

In the seven weeks after the London bombings the racist backlash against has continued. 21 August 2005: Racists graffiti is painted all over the Daud Tandoori in Llandudno, just days after windows at the restaurant were smashed and paint thrown at the building. (Wales Daily Post 24.8.05) 21 August 2005: Newcastle Sunday Sun reports that

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Victim of racist attack facing charges

Campaigners are calling for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to drop charges of assault and affray against Eileen Jia, whose partner, Mi Gao Huang Chen, was attacked and murdered by a gang of youths after facing a sustained campaign of racism at their Chinese restaurant in Wigan. On 23 April 2005, Mi Gao Huang

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The racist backlash to the London bombings continues

Across the UK, serious violent racial attacks are still on the increase, as are incidents of persistent ‘low-level’ harrassment – of people, their homes, and businesses. 10 August 2005: A Muslim woman tells BBC Wales how a man abused her and her family and threw stones at her home; breaking a window. (BBC News 10.8.05)

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