Get Up, Stand Up! Racial equality and anti-racism

A series of debates and lectures as part of a collaborative project between New Art Exchange and NCCL exploring notions of international civil rights.  Thursday 9 July 2015, 6-8pm New Art Exchange, 39-41 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 6BE Participants include: Jagdish Patel – The Monitoring Group Janna Graham – Centre for Research in Race and Rights,

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Why do we count the dead?

We reproduce here an article by Eddie-Bruce Jones, from his personal blog, reflecting on the counting of deaths. In April, the Institute of Race Relations, as part of a day-long anniversary event, held a panel discussion called ‘Why do we count deaths?’ The question was posed as a provocation to help us address the questions:

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Audio & Video

Sivanandan’s April 2015 postscript

A. Sivanandan updates his thinking on globalisation, impact of the market state and the stirrings of rebellion. ‘The spaces are there for us to fight back in, and the time is here to be seized’. RELATED LINKS Read about the event here

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Audio & Video

Catching history on the wing: the future

Session three of of an event celebrating the work of the Institute of Race Relations on 18 April 2015. The future: Building on communities of dissent: premiere of film Catching History on the Wing: a conversation with A Sivanandan followed by audience/panel interaction led by Suresh Grover (The Monitoring Group) and Phil Miller (Corporate Watch), moderated

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Audio & Video

Catching history on the wing: the present

Session two of of an event celebrating the work of the Institute of Race Relations on 18 April 2015. The present: Why do we count deaths? – a roundtable discussion on structured violence and mortality led by Avery Gordon, with Eddie Bruce-Jones, Harmit Athwal and Frances Webber (presenting two new IRR reports Dying for Justice and

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Audio & Video

Catching history on the wing: the past

Session one of an event celebrating the work of the Institute of Race Relations on 18 April 2015. The past: Thinking in order to do – an audio interview ‘On lived theory’ with A. Sivanandan; discussion with Colin Prescod and Jenny Bourne about the IRR’s historic struggle, followed by contributions from the floor. Related links Read

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Calendar of racism and resistance (5 – 18 June 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Policing and criminal justice 4 June: The IPCC refuses to identify two retired police officers who are being investigated in connection with allegations that they spied on the family of Stephen Lawrence. Three people were named last year

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A round-up of the latest news on BAME deaths in custody

The last month has seen significant cases come to court, important inquests and new legal challenges and decisions. Habib Ullah: misconduct hearing On 15 June, five Thames Valley Police (TVP) police officers were cleared of misconduct by a disciplinary hearing following the death of Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah after a stop and search in July 2008. The

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A showing of Ken Fero’s Burn at the BFM International Film Festival. Saturday 4 July 2015, 7.30pm Bernie Grant Art Centre, Town Hall Approach Road, Tottenham Green, London N15 4RX Related links BFM International Film Festival Buy tickets here

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Spinning the death of Sheku Bayoh

Following the death of Sheku Bayoh last month, police used the decades-old tactic of attacking a victim’s character in a suspicious custody death. On 3 May 2015, Sheku Bayoh, a gas engineer from Sierra Leone, died on the street in Kirkcaldy, Fife. He had been restrained by up to nine police officers responding to an

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