
Stuart Hall: 1932 – 2014

Playwright David Edgar discusses the importance of Stuart Hall. When, in the days since his death on Monday, Stuart Hall was described as the ‘pioneer’ or – less fortunately – the ‘godfather’ of multiculturalism, it seemed like a convenient journalistic label for a man whose huge importance was hard to explain to the general public.

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Could Jimmy Mubenga’s death have been prevented?

As we await the publication of a new Home Office manual on deportations, IRR News has gleaned evidence from a number of Freedom of Information requests suggesting that the death of Jimmy Mubenga during deportation could have been prevented. Jimmy Mubenga died on 12 October 2010. A number of Freedom of Information requests into the

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Hillsborough: the truth

A video of Professor Phil Scraton’s lecture on the Hillsborough struggle for justice, delivered last year at the London School of Economics, is now available. On 27 November 2013, the IRR and the Mannheim Centre for the Study of Criminology and Criminal Justice (LSE) hosted a meeting to discuss family campaigns against the state to

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Unabashed anti-migrant, anti-welfare election strategy

The Tories plan a systematic stream of populist measures on migration and welfare benefits in the run up to the election, and there appears to be no opposition. According to the Daily Mail, last month, the Conservative Party’s election strategist Lynton Crosby suggested the party begin producing ‘a new policy to curb immigrants and benefits’

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Snail’s pace in deaths in custody investigations

As the file on the death of Habib Ullah in police custody in 2008 finally reaches the CPS, the intolerable delays in investigating deaths in custody are once more in the spotlight. This week, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) referred the case of Habib Ullah to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). The IPCC’s initial

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Launch of new campaign against police surveillance

A meeting to launch a new campaign opposing police surveillance of anti-racist and other activists. Thursday 27 February 2014, 6.30pm Diskus Conference Centre, Unite House, 128 Theobald’s Road, London WC1x 8TN Speakers: Doreen Lawrence Imran Khan – solicitor Lois Austin – Youth Against Racism in Europe Harriet Wistrich – solicitor Dave Smith – Blacklist Support Group Robbie

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Stop police killings!

A demonstration demanding an end to police violence.   Tuesday, 11 February 2014, 6pm Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London SW2 1RW RELATED LINKS Brixton Black Revolutionary Socialists Brixton Rebels London Campaign Against Police and State Violence    

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The criminalisation of Gypsies and Travellers

There is much to commend in No Place to Call Home, a potted history of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers in the UK and Ireland, but its reliance on police sources is worrying. There is much to praise in Katharine Quarmby’s No Place to Call Home. She capably describes the structured state and institutional racism that Gypsies

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Press Release

Investigated or ignored?

Today, the Institute of Race Relations publishes a report that shows serious deficiencies in the criminal justice system’s response to race-related killings. Since the publication of the Macpherson report in 1999, into the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence, at least ninety-three people have lost their lives as a result of racially motivated attacks (or attacks

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