
Calendar of Racism and Resistance (5 – 18 September 2014)

A resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key news stories in the UK and Europe over the past fortnight. Asylum seekers & refugees 5 September: Migrants and activists rally in Calais for human rights and an end to police violence, as Sauvons Calais announce they will rally on 7 September to ‘say no to

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Who Killed Blair Peach? pamphlet launch

Launch of a new pamphlet on the murder of Blair Peach. Thursday 2 October 2014, 6-8pm NUT HQ, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London, WC1H 9BD Speakers include: • David Renton – author and barrister • Christine Blower – NUT General Secretary • Suresh Grover – The Monitoring Group • Stephanie Lightfoot-Bennett – United Families & Friends Campaign • Susan

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13th public meeting with United Against Injustice

A public event, including workshops to mark the thirteenth National Miscarriage of Justice Day. Saturday 11 October 2014, 10-5pm John Foster Building, 80-98 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5UZ Speakers include: Ross Patel – Afentis Forensics CCRC representative Professor Joe Sim – Liverpool John Moores University INQUEST representative RELATED LINKS United Against Injustice  

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Po Po and Burn

A film showing of two films (by Ken Fero/Migrant Media) on family campaigns following deaths in police custody. Friday 26 September 2014, 7.30-10pm Portobello Pop Up Cinema, 3 Acklam Road, London W10 5TY The two films are: Po Po on the death of Jason McPherson and Burn on the death of Mark Duggan, followed by

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When class becomes a commodity

A new Open Society Foundations research project on Europe’s white working class provides a welcome corrective to those who champion the class as a victim of immigration while colluding in the abandonment of working-class areas. In his classic text examining production processes Labor and Monopoly Capital, published in 1974, Harry Braverman showed how ‘poverty and

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Calendar of racism & resistance (27 August – 4 September 2014)

A calendar of stories from the last week. Asylum seekers & refugees 27 August 2014: Medical Justice has published a report: Biased and Unjust: The Immigration Detention Complaints Process, you can download it here (pdf file, 6.4mb). 29 August: 44-year-old Wadih Chourey, who has Down’s syndrome, faces deportation to Lebanon after the Home Office refused

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The state, the market and the voluntary youth sector

A seminar to examine the ‘radical shifts’ in the voluntary youth sector’s changing relationship with the state and the increasing intrusion of private businesses into its activities. Thursday 18 September 2014, 11-4pm Brunswick Parish Church Centre, Brunswick Street, Manchester M13 9TQ Outline programme includes: Ian McGimpsey (University of Birmingham) – effects of neo-liberal policies on

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Surround Harmondsworth #4

Demonstration outside Harmondsworth detention centre. Saturday 13 September 2014, 1pm Harmondsworth detention centre, Colnbrook By-Pass, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 0HB Related links Facebook event listing Movement for Justice

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Still being driven to desperate measures

At the weekend, a group of stowaways were found at Tilbury Docks desperately trying to escape a container they had been sealed into. By the time it was opened, one of the migrants, 40-year-old Meet Singh Kapoor was already dead. Thirty-four migrants, Sikhs from Afghanistan, were found in the container, ten men, nine women and

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