Blacks Britannica film showing & discussion

African Odysseys at the BFI present a ‘Blacks Britannica’ followed by a discussion. Saturday 28 January 2017, 2pm NFT3 GA, British Film Institute, Belvedere Road, South Bank, London SE1 8XT Speakers include: Colin Prescod – Chair of the Institute of Race Relations Kunle Olulode – Director of Voice4Change Other guests TBA Related links Book tickets here  

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Calendar of racism and resistance (9-22 December 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 6 December: The director of Europol promises to ‘look again’ at the circumstances in which 500 refugees drowned in the April 2016 Mediterranean shipwreck after an investigation by Reuters/BBC Newsnight finds that no official body,

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Locking down Africa

In the second part of her examination of EU deals with third countries to stop migration, Frances Webber examines the closure of Africa’s borders against migration, demanded by the EU as the price for development, trade and aid. The June-December 2016 progress report on Niger in the context of the Migration Partnership Framework[1] boasted that

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Four found guilty of events in Rotherham, South Yorkshire

Below we reproduce a statement made by the Rotherham 12 Defence Campaign following guilty verdicts on 15 December. The convictions of four far-right defendants[1] on 15 December at Sheffield Crown Court for violent disorder is a vindication for everything our campaign has stood for, especially the right of self-defence for a victimised community facing real

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Against Borders for Children conference

First public event for the Against Borders for Children campaign. Saturday 14 January 2017, 12.30-5pm SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG Panel discussions and workshops on: The ABC campaign in context: a ‘hostile environment’ for migrants and disappearing data privacy rights What we stand for: imagining conversations about migration in the classroom Where

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Job vacancy at the Institute of Race Relations

Are you passionate about racial justice? Do you have good organisational and administrative skills? Would you relish the opportunity of working in a small team to help develop one of the UK’s leading educational charities creating and disseminating analyses and information? If so, we might have just the job for you. The IRR is looking

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Europe can no longer pretend to respect human rights

Anger is building at the return of refugees from Europe to war zones and the EU’s deals with dictators and torturers to prevent refugees from leaving their own countries.  In the first of two articles, Frances Webber looks at the EU’s deals with Afghanistan and Turkey. The second article will examine the deals with African

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‘Dangerous’ Casey, failing and blaming victims

A number of experts comment on the recently published ‘Casey Review: A review into opportunity and integration’. Dr Waqas Tufail: ‘Erroneous, misguided and dangerous’ The Casey Review represents the latest attempt by the state to intervene in the lives of British Muslims. The findings reached by Louise Casey are not new, original or surprising –

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Press Release

Racial violence and the Brexit state

In a pioneering study published today, the IRR takes a fresh look at the nature of racial hate crimes since the referendum. Through a detailed examination of cases on the IRR’s unique database it establishes a link between the language and behaviour of perpetrators of such violence, the rhetoric and policy pronouncements of politicians over

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