IRR’s Jessica Perera continues her examination of the human cost of estate regeneration by talking about pride and potential with a north-west London poet. George Mpanga is a London-born spoken-word poet and host of the award-winning ‘Have you heard George’s Podcast?’ If you have not yet discovered the podcast, you might be more familiar with
Issue: Race & Class
Calendar of Racism and Resistance (17 June – 1 July 2020)
A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. BLACK LIVES MATTER PROTESTS AND POLICE RESPONSE 18 June: In response to BLM protests, the head of the Belgian Federal police acknowledges that there have been ‘occasional slip-ups’ but denies that the force is institutionally racist. (Brussels Times,
Covid 19 – time for taking stock
Covid 19 has, asserts the July issue of Race & Class, thrown into relief so many key issues: the essential frailty of advanced capitalism, the potential for the state to control the life and death of citizens, the nature of human solidarity and the way in which we desecrate the planet. Now is the
Abandoned voices from the UK asylum system in a time of Covid-19
Despite the assurances given to a parliamentary committee, asylum housing providers are still neglecting the health and welfare of vulnerable residents including young children, says John Grayson of South Yorkshire Migration & Asylum Action Group, continuing his investigations. In 2015, Anne and her husband Simon fled from their home in the war-torn Middle East with
‘It Happens Here, Too’ – Resourcing struggles for racial justice
The Institute of Race Relations – a radical voice against racism for over forty years – draws attention to its varied resources that give context and specificities to the declaration of Black Lives Matter that, ‘It Happens Here Too.’ Resources on policing and deaths in custody In UK and the US The IRR was the
BAME, refugee and migrant custody deaths in the UK
An update on BAME, refugee and migrant deaths in custody since September 2014. To answer demands from supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement in the UK for up-to-date statistics on deaths in custody in the UK, the IRR has been trying to collect information on deaths which have taken place since its last reckoning
Black Lives Matter Roundup (3 – 17 June 2020)
The Black Lives Matter movement has provoked many revelations and discussions of institutional racism in various fields, not only criminal justice but also education, sport, media and culture; we cover a selection of these below. Our regular calendar of racism and resistance can be viewed here. PROTESTS AND POLICE RESPONSE See also anti-fascism and far
We starved but we shared
A free to download selection of Race & Class articles, compiled by Deputy Editor Sophia Siddiqui, by or about community activists on the black tradition of self-help and mutual aid which enunciates some of the principles now making a come-back as people reclaim self-reliance during the pandemic. What the Covid-19 pandemic has put into sharp focus
Beyond English Borders: asylum hostels and asylum hotels in a time of Covid-19
John Grayson of South Yorkshire Migration & Asylum Action Group continues his exposés of conditions in Scotland, Ireland and other countries of Europe for asylum seekers in supposedly safe accommodation. Scotland: the Mears group and its £500m asylum housing contract In Scotland, as in the rest of the UK, the Home Office provision of asylum housing
Black educational organisation warns that Ofqual grading consultation is deeply flawed
Ofqual has conducted an online public consultation on the impact of Covid-19 grading of GCSE and A-Level results. We reprint below an edited version of a press statement issued by Black Learning Achievement and Mental Health UK (BLAM), an educational and advocacy not-for-profit [1] In late March, the Secretary of State for Education announced that the