Press Release

Neoliberalism, nativism and power

  Contributions to the July 2021 issue of Race & Class grapple with the violence of neoliberalism, the workings of racial capitalism, the normalisation of xenophobia from Sangatte to Soweto and the bases for forging necessary unities of struggle.   Outbreaks of xenophobic violence against migrants in South Africa since 2008 have resulted in tens

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Press Release

From Camus to Covid-19

  The April 2021 issue contains important insights on Covid-19, the marginalisation of indigenous groups in Argentina and the lived experiences of half-widows in Kashmir.     Covid-19 intensifies other social catastrophes, feeding on the ruins of structural inequality and the racism that condemns the marginalised to loss of agency, social apartheid and disposability, argues

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Press Release

‘The violence of the system’: race, mental health, state violence

Cover of special issue on race, mental health, state violence

  At a time when mental health is often decontextualised from the structural violence experienced by the most vulnerable in society, this special issue of Race & Class shows how race, mental health and state violence intersect – in places of detention and incarceration, on the street, in mental health institutions, in counter-extremism policies and

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Press Release

A watershed moment

Race & Class: A Watershed Moment

  The October issue of Race & Class contains key articles that make sense of the crises we are in – of COVID-19, of racist state violence and of global capitalism – and asks, is this a watershed moment? This year, the COVID-9 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter anti-racist upheaval have dominated the headlines

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Race & Class, July 2020

Covid 19 has, asserts the July issue of Race & Class, thrown into relief so many key issues: the essential frailty of advanced capitalism, the potential for the state to control the life and death of citizens, the nature of human solidarity and the way in which we desecrate the planet. Now is the time

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Press Release

IRR: Local authorities must probe police use of data analytics to map communities

Metropolitan police

For immediate release Local authorities and other partners in police safer neighbourhood teams should further probe possible racial profiling in policing, says the IRR today, after it emerged that five police forces, including the Metropolitan police, have used software that can be deployed to help identify whether different ethnic groups ‘specialise’ in particular types of

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (15 – 28 July 2020)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. BLACK LIVES MATTER PROTESTS AND POLICING 17 July: Around 1,500 people protest in Berlin in support of BLM and to protest police brutality. (Deutsche Welle, 17 July 2020) 17 July: Anti-racist activists in Madrid hang a banner reading

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Two weeks of horror in Urban House: Wakefield Covid-19 outbreak

John Grayson uncovers the chaotic and terrifying reality behind official assurances as Covid-19 enters Urban House, continuing his investigation into the treatment of asylum seekers during the pandemic. ‘Death hovers over our heads here … Horror is everywhere’ – Resident of Urban House interviewed on BBC TV, 16 July Douglas, a professional worker from the Middle

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Taser trauma: an increasingly British phenomenon

  An IRR News researcher speaks to scholars and campaigners across the country about the disproportionate use of Tasers on over-policed BME communities, as the IOPC announces an inquiry into widespread police discrimination. On 4 May in Haringey, the police tasered Jordan Walker-Brown, a then 23-year-old black man they were trying to detain as he

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