
Who will defend the space to protest?

An insightful TNI discussion paper is a must read for anti-racist and social justice campaigners. Are you working for a human rights NGO or part of a social justice movement and are you worried about increasing restrictions, overt political interference and government de-legitimisation of your work? A short pithy discussion paper, the result of a

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Calendar of racism and resistance (21 April – 4 May 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration April: Statewatch publishes a ‘Viewpoint’ by Chris Jones: Hindering humanitarianism: European Commission will not ensure protection for those supporting sans-papiers. Download it here (pdf file,127kb). 20 April: Doctors of the World launches a campaign, #StopSharing,

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Breitbart: global politics and fake news

A new report by HOPE not Hate, Breitbart – A rightwing plot to shape Europe’s future, explores Breitbart’s influence on global politics, the creation of fake news and its expansion into London. ‘It’s easy to see why the KKK views Trump as their champion when Trump appoints one of the foremost peddlers of white supremacist themes

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Whose freedom? Whose movement? Whose rights?

A new book on Brexit and freedom of movement raises more questions than answers. The corporate venue, the glitzy offices of Bloomberg LP’s European headquarters in the City of London, speaks of a lifestyle a million miles removed from lives now lived in Labour’s old working-class heartlands. But it was here, in a location that

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Calendar of racism and resistance (7 – 20 April 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 6 April: A new immigration skills charge comes into force, requiring employers to pay a £1,000 annual levy for hiring certain skilled workers from outside the European Economic Area. It is feared the charge could

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Stop feeding the beast! A review of ‘My Country: A work in progress’

A play built around seventy long interviews with ‘leavers’ and ‘remainers’ about their feelings after the Brexit vote, inadvertently, provides insights into the immigration debate. The liberal consensus on immigration has broken down. That’s what Brexit has taught us, or at least that’s what the establishment tells us that Brexit has taught us. The Conservative

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Failed by Words

Aisha Maniar examines the UK government’s policy of carrying out language analysis tests on undocumented asylum claimants. Asylum Now According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), a record 65.3 million people worldwide were displaced within and without borders in 2015. Although increasing slightly each year since 2010, after having fallen sharply in the first

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Calendar of racism and resistance (9 – 23 March 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration March: Women for Refugee Women publish a report: The Way Ahead: An asylum system without detention, download it here (pdf file, 3mb). 2 March: The Migrant and Refugee Children’s Legal Unit (MiCLU) publish a report:

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Calendar of racism and resistance (24 February – 9 March 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 24 February: Following a legal challenge by the Refugee Council, the High Court rules that local authorities must support age-disputed asylum seekers as children. (EIN, 27 February 2017) 26 February: Irene Clennell, 52, is deported

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