Isaac & I: Chris Searle and friends

A special event to launch the first part of Chris Searle’s autobiography, Isaac and I, to be published by Five Leaves. Saturday 20 May 2017, 2-4pm Tower Hamlets Local History Library & Archives, 277 Bancroft Road London E1 4DQ Chris is a teacher, poet and activist who found himself on the front pages of the newspapers in 1971

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Whose freedom? Whose movement? Whose rights?

A new book on Brexit and freedom of movement raises more questions than answers. The corporate venue, the glitzy offices of Bloomberg LP’s European headquarters in the City of London, speaks of a lifestyle a million miles removed from lives now lived in Labour’s old working-class heartlands. But it was here, in a location that

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Calendar of racism and resistance (7 – 20 April 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 6 April: A new immigration skills charge comes into force, requiring employers to pay a £1,000 annual levy for hiring certain skilled workers from outside the European Economic Area. It is feared the charge could

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Housing, Employment & Migrants’ Rights in an Age of Austerity

Migrants’ Rights Network hold a panel to discuss housing, employment and migrants’ rights in an age of austerity. Wednesday 19 April 2017, 6:30 – 8pm Senate Alumni Lecture Theatre, SOAS, Senate House Building, London WC1E 7HU The panel will explore the potential issues that Britain leaving the EU has for European citizens currently living here, as

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Love is not a crime launch night

The Lesbian Immigration Support Group (LISG) launch their exhibition Love Is Not a Crime and celebrate their 10th anniversary. Thursday 13th April, 6-8pm People’s History Museum, Left Bank, Manchester M3 3ER Love Is Not a Crime runs from Friday 14 April 2017 to Sunday 25 June 2017 Related Links Eventbrite page

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Stop feeding the beast! A review of ‘My Country: A work in progress’

A play built around seventy long interviews with ‘leavers’ and ‘remainers’ about their feelings after the Brexit vote, inadvertently, provides insights into the immigration debate. The liberal consensus on immigration has broken down. That’s what Brexit has taught us, or at least that’s what the establishment tells us that Brexit has taught us. The Conservative

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Picket at Undercover Policing Inquiry

A picket of the Pitchford Inquiry to demand disclosure on political policing abuses in the UK. Wednesday 5 April 2017, 9-10am Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand, London WC2 Related links See further info here Police Spies Out of Lives

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Failed by Words

Aisha Maniar examines the UK government’s policy of carrying out language analysis tests on undocumented asylum claimants. Asylum Now According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), a record 65.3 million people worldwide were displaced within and without borders in 2015. Although increasing slightly each year since 2010, after having fallen sharply in the first

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Calendar of racism and resistance (9 – 23 March 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration March: Women for Refugee Women publish a report: The Way Ahead: An asylum system without detention, download it here (pdf file, 3mb). 2 March: The Migrant and Refugee Children’s Legal Unit (MiCLU) publish a report:

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Enough is enough: deaths on the western Balkans route

man with bloody bandaged head

A public push is needed to stop refugee and migrant deaths on the western Balkans route. IRR News continues its investigation into violations and deaths at EU borders, focusing on seven deaths in the Serbian, Hungarian and Bulgarian border zones. All the official reports, photographic evidence, testimonies and case studies are there. Fresh Response Serbia,

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