Return to Nicaragua

The Marc Karlin Archive with Open City Docs are holding a series of film screenings and talks on Nicaragua and the Sandinista revolution. 21 – 23 November 2014 University College London, Darwin Building, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT Related links Find more event details here Book tickets here Marc Karlin Archive Open City Docs

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Media training session

Migrant Voice is holding a free media training session for migrants on the theme of ‘detention’. Tuesday 4 November 2014, 3-8pm Lighthouse West London, 111-117 Lancaster Road, London W11 1QT Speakers include: Marianne Powell  Nishit Morsawala  Please note that it is necessary to book a place for this event. Related links Download further details of the event, here (word

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Calendar of racism and resistance (4-16 October 2014)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum seekers and refugees 6 October: Corporate Watch reveals that NHS England has awarded G4S a series of contracts worth some £23 million to run medical facilities at four immigration removal centres in the UK. (Corporate Watch, 6

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African refugees under attack in Israel

A Human Rights Watch report, criticising Israel’s inhumane treatment of African asylum seekers, provides an opportunity to reflect on the extension of the Prevention of Infiltration Law, first used against Palestinians in 1954. In recent weeks, Israeli nationalists, including ministers from the far-right Jewish Home party, have marched through the streets of Tel Aviv, with

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Protecting European democracy or reviving the Cold War?

A new report by Human Rights First on fascism in Hungary and Greece raises important questions. But its orientation towards US national interests smacks of Cold War thinking. When we think of the leaders of Europe’s far- and extreme-Right parties today, it is easy to ridicule them as fossils, nostalgic for days of Empire and

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We Love Carnival film showings

Film collection and discussion to showcase the history and art behind Carnival in Britain. Saturday 16 August 2014, 11am BFI Southbank, Belvedere Road, South Bank, London SE1 8XT RELATED LINKS BFI Southbank

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The ‘Guantánamisation’ of Belgium

A new book on Belgium, Guantanamo chez nous?, is an important contribution to the analysis of racism and the war on terror in Europe. It would be hard to find anyone in the UK who has not heard of Abu Qatada. But how many people know that he was recently acquitted of terrorist charges in Jordan?

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TUC ‘migration messaging’ workshops

The Trades Union Congress and Migrant Voice are running a series workshops on migration. Saturday 28 June 2014, 10-5pm – Manchester Wednesday 2 July 2014, 10-5pm – Southampton Saturday 12 July 2014, 10-5pm – Corby Related links Migrants’ Rights Network TUC   

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When the state is complicit in hate

Racist violence in Europe is sustained by cultures of impunity, as reports by Amnesty International, and Médecins du Monde and the Greek Council for Refugees make clear. Two reports published last month document in harrowing detail the reality and impact of racist violence across Europe, as well as its intensification against a backdrop of economic

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Captive Audience

A film on anti-Roma racism in the Czech Republic. A short (just under five minutes) but hard-hitting video which was made by Barbora Cernusakova and Phillip Lowman for Europe Roma International (ERI) to show at a parliamentary meeting on 28 October 2013 can now be viewed online. Captive Audience includes disturbing footage from a summer

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